Nauka inspiruje - dr Magdalena Zadworna

Magdalena Zadworna is a Doctor of Humanities in the field of psychology, Assistant Professor at the Department of Health Psychology at the Institute of Psychology of the University of Lodz. Her research interests include psychology of health and human development, with a particular interest in the determinants of successful ageing, healthy lifestyle and well-being. Her work’s objective is not only to describe and explain psychological phenomena, but also to design solutions to improve the quality of senior citizens life in its last stage. For Dr Magdalena Zadworna, the scientific profession is, above all, about the responsibility in a diligent pursuit of the truth through focus, mindfulness, reflexivity and humility in recognising one's limitations, and tolerance of uncertainty.

Dr Zadworna against a background of leaves in autumn colours

Magdalena Zadworna is a Doctor of Psychology. She conducts research in the field of psychology of health and human development – in particular, she looks for the determinants of successful ageing, healthy lifestyle and well-being. She is an author of numerous scientific publications, as well as psychometric measurement tools for the elderly.

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence

Albert Einstein

What inspired you to become a scientist?  

Shortly speaking – curiosity. Observing the world leads to the search for ways to understand it. This process is self-reinforcing – questions demand answers, and these, in turn, give rise to more questions, providing a researcher with a state of complete absorption and, as a result – job satisfaction.

 What impact would you like your work to have on society?

I describe and explain psychological phenomena. I conduct research on successful ageing. The increasing life expectancy means that there are more and more senior citizens in the population. I would like to identify the successful ageing determinants, which would help design solutions that improve the quality of life in its last stage.

 How do you understand the term: profession of a scientist?

The profession of a scientist means responsibility in a diligent pursuit of the truth. For me, this profession means concentration and mindfulness in absorbing creative activity. In this activity, reflection and humility in recognising one's limitations and tolerance of uncertainty are also necessary – because the pursuit of truth is an endless road.

More information about Dr Magdalena Zadworna's work

How to Age Positively? Research Conducted at the University of Lodz

University of Lodz scientists will help children experiencing stress and depression.

Scientific articles by Dr Magdalena Zadworna 

Google Scholar

The mission of the University of Lodz is to conduct reliable research and actively disseminate facts and research results so as to wisely educate future generations, be useful to society and courageously respond to the challenges of the modern world. Scientific excellence is always our best compass. Our values include: courage, curiosity, commitment, cooperation and respect

Source: Dr Magdalena Zadworna, Faculty of Educational Sciences 
Redakcja: Michał Gruda (Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz)