Nauka inspiruje - dr Justyna Anders-Morawska

In her research, she deals with the city's audiosphere as a subject of interest for various urban policies. She writes about issues related to the ecology of sound and sound design of cities and public spaces in the "Glissando" magazine. She looks for a way thanks to which the soundscape of city will cease to be treated through the prism of noise management and will become the subject of design sensitive to the identity and aesthetics of space.

Dr Justyna Anders-Morawska against the background of graphics resembling a sound wave

Dr Justyna Anders-Morawska is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the University of Lodz. She examines the impact of policy and public management on the soundscape of cities. She treats sound as a manifestation of the city health state wherein city is understood as a place to live, a community of inhabitants, an arena for economic and cultural activities, and an inspiration for artists. 

What inspired you to become a scientist? 

I am naturally curious about the world, I have an absorbent mind, a well-trained memory and a kind of stubbornness that forces me to search, verify and systematise information. I want to find out the truth. What appeals to me is the beauty of original scientific thought that, at the moment, best explains the world to us. 

What impact does your work have on the surrounding reality?

I deal with the soundscape of cities – what noisy, bustling, lively places sound like, but also oases of tranquillity. I hope that my current research will allow to acknowledge the significance of sound in public space design and offer an ideal model. Perhaps, thanks to it a comparison of current practices of shaping the audiosphere or diagnosis of omissions in this area will be possible.

How do you understand the term: profession of a scientist? 

A person involved in science should be associated with the motto of the University of Lodz, which is very close to me anyway – truth and freedom. Such a person should be humble in the face of the enormity of the unknown they face when trying to find the truth, value and defend the freedom to conduct research and scientific discussion in accordance with the methodologies appropriate for the specificity of the field.


More information about dr Justyna Anders Morawska’s work

Czy w miastach jest za głośno? Słuchacze o hałasie wokół nich [Is it too noisy in cities? Listeners are talking about the noise around them]

Naukowcy z Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego zbadają pejzaż dźwiękowy Łodzi [Scientists from the University of Lodz will study the soundscape of Lodz]

Naukowcy z UŁ zajmują się pejzażem dźwiękowym miasta [Scientists from the University of Lodz study the soundscape of the city]






Source: Dr Justyna Anders Morawska (Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz)
Edit: Michał Gruda (Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz)

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