Dr Joanna Leek z UŁ w BBC World Service!

Dr Joanna Leek from the Department of Theory of Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, UL was a guest of the BBC World Services Radio programme entitled ‘The Forum’. During the programme the scientists discussed and introduced science to the audience, mainly in the historical aspect, but also with references to contemporary social events. The episode was about life and works of John Amos Comenius. You can listen to the programme online on the BBC radio website.




Next to dr Leek, in the programme there were also prof. Vladimir Urbanek from the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences from Prague and Prof. Howard Hotson from the Faculty of History at the University of Oxford.

- Even though it has been almost 400 years since pedagogic activity of Comenius, his pedagogical ideas are still a subject of discussions and analyses. John Amos Komeński is considered a person who contributed to the development of modern pedagogical thought and a precursor of universalism in teaching. Many of his views were timeless, even revolutionary, such as the concept of a comprehensive approach to the education system, the proposal to include all children in school education, i.e., the universality of education, or the creation of school textbooks - says dr J. Leek.

The discussion introduced the person of Comenius, who was affected by religious persecution and whose life was filled with personal tragedies, along with attempts at implementation of his own pedagogical concepts. The programme also discussed selected works such as " The World in Pictures" (Orbis Pictus) or "Great Didactic" (Didactica Magna). 

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Source: Faculty of Educational Sciences, UL 

Edit: Promotion Centre, UL