Nauka inspiruje - dr Jakub Zasina

He was chosen the Best Lecturer of the Institute of Urban and Regional Studies and Planning by the students in 2018. At that time, he was still holding an MA degree. Dr Jakub Zasina is an excellent teacher but also a great scientist. In 2020, he was awarded the first prize in the competition of the Committee for Spatial Economy and Regional Planning of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the best doctoral thesis in the field of space management for the dissertation entitled ‘Rozwój gospodarczy i przestrzenny miast poprzemysłowych w kontekście zachowań konsumenckich studentów. Studium porównawcze Łodzi i Turynu’ [Economic and spatial development of post-industrial cities in the context of consumer behaviour of students. A comparative study of Lodz and Turin]. How does he see himself as a scientist?

Dr Jakub Zasina on a background of a crowded pedestrian crossing seen from a bird's eye view, vertically from above

Dr Jakub Zasina is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Urban and Regional Studies and Planning of the University of Lodz. He studies cities and the processes taking place in their space, primarily the so-called studentification. He runs classes in the field of cities’ spatial and economic development as part of the Eco-City and Urban and Regional Studies and Planning study programmes. He supervises the student magazine KWARTAŁ and is a great fan of Lodz.  

What inspired you to become a scientist?   

I was inspired by the community of our university! When I was a student of Spatial Management, I saw that for many of my lecturers, academic work was a real passion. Thanks to them and my activity in a student science club (SKN SPATIUM) I realised that the university would be the best place for me to work.  


What impact does your work have on the surrounding reality?  

Thanks to the research, I have already managed to determine what the presence of students means to the broadly understood development of the city of Lodz. Currently, I am deepening this knowledge in the area of the real estate market and changes in urban space. Such knowledge may then be applied in shaping the policy of municipalities and higher education institutions, in Lodz and outside it.  


How do you understand the term: profession of a scientist? 

A scientist is a person who does the ‘good job’ in terms of research and teaching so that we, as a society, could better understand and organise the world that we are a part of.  


More information about Dr Jakub Zasina’s work

Które przestrzenie Łodzi i Turynu mają „studenckie” oblicze? [Which spaces of Lodz and Turin have a "student" face?] (in Polish)

Co sprawia, że studenci są zadowoleni ze swojego zakwaterowania? [What makes students satissfied with their accommodation?] (in Polish)

Dlaczego warto rozważyć studentyfikację usługowo-handlową jako nowy podzbiór badań nad studentyfikacją? [Why is it worth considering commercial studentification as a new subset of studies on studentification?] (in Polish)

Dlaczego pandemia COVID-19 nie zwiastuje końca miast studenckich mimo upowszechnienia edukacji zdalnej? [Why does the COVID-19 pandemic not herald the end of student cities, despite the increasing popularity of remote education?] (in Polish)








Source: Dr Jakub Zasina (Department of Regional Economics and the Environment, University of Lodz)

Edit: Michał Gruda (Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz)

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