Dr Anna Stefan z WF UŁ laureatką stypendium Josefa Dobrovskiego Czeskiej Akademii Nauk

Dr Anna Stefan from the Department of Slavic Philology at the Faculty of Philology, University of Lodz is among this year's winners of the Josef Dobrovský Fellowship awarded by the Czech Academy of Sciences.

As part of the scholarship, Dr Stefan will complete a research internship at the Institute of Slavonic Studies of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Slovanský ústav AV ČR), where she will carry out a research project devoted to Czech and Polish expressiveness in the language of Generation Z.

The Josef Dobrovský Fellowship is a prestigious award granted on a competitive basis to foreign researchers carrying out projects on Bohemian issues – especially in the areas of history, culture and language. Its objective is to support Czech studies in their linguistic and territorial dimension by funding short-term study stays of foreign researchers at the institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (CAS).