Książki dla dzieci w języku ukraińskim - do bezpłatnego pobrania

University of Lodz Library recommends books for children in Ukrainian. They can be downloaded for free. Below we are presenting the list of websites.

On the KNIGO GO website you can download for free without registration or read online books in Ukrainian in various formats: fb2, rtf, epub, txt for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The website offers a wide range of books for children, including many international classics. Books for free download without registration are marked with the text: "Cкачати" - download.

The Ukrainian Old Lion Publishing House (Видавництво Старого Лева) provides on its website six e-books for children free of charge. In this case, registration is required and, among others, providing a telephone number to which the code to log in and download the e-books is sent. 

The author Łukasz Wierzbicki has made his book "Africa Kazika" available in Ukrainian free of charge. Information about the publication is available at: https://lukaszwierzbicki.pl/ak-ukraina/.

Free educational materials in Ukrainian have been provided by the Dwie Siostry Publishing House.

Seven free e-books for children in Ukrainian (in .epub, .mobi and .pdf formats) from KidKiddos Books - Note! FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY! (they cannot be shared, forwarded, read public etc): https://kidkiddos.com/collections/ebooks-in-ukrainian

Free e-books in pdf format from the Ranok Publishing House, broken down into age categories (3+, 6+, 9+) have been made available on the Barabooka website.

Ukrainian folk tales and poems to read online are available on the website of Світ казок.

Ukrainian folk tales to read online are available on the website Українськa казкa dedicated to the Ukrainian fairy tale.

What to read to children in times of war? The Osvitoria Association has made available nearly 70 books on its website. The books have been specially selected, they are soothing and reducing anxiety, and they are addressed to children from 3 years of age.

“Кайко та Кокош – Великий турнір” special edition of Janusz Christa's comic book "Kajko i Kokosz - Great Tournament" in Ukrainian,has been made available by Egmont Publishing House.

Source: University of Lodz Library