Odznaki „Za Zasługi dla Miasta Łodzi” dla naukowców UŁ

Prof. Dr hab. Joanna Jabłkowska and Prof. dr hab. Tomasz Tulejski – scientists from the University of Lodz are among almost fifty people honoured during the ceremonial session of the City Council at the Museum of the City of Łódź. The City of Lodz Awards and badges "Za zasługi dla miasta Łodzi" [For Merits for the City of Lodz] were presented to them in the garden of the Izrael Poznański Palace.

Both scientists from the University of Lodz received badges "Za zasługi dla miasta Łodzi", awarded for activities for the city worthy of special recognition.

Prof. dr hab. Joanna JabłkowskaProf. Dr hab. Joanna Jabłkowska

Prof. Dr hab. Joanna Jabłkowska has been the Dean of the Faculty of Philology at the University of Lodz since September 2016, and since 2010 she has been a member of the scientific council of the Polish-German Foundation for Science. The justification for the award of the badge, reads: "she is a person of particular merit for Polish science, and above all for the University of Lodz, where she has been employed since 1977. She has been combining administrative activities with scientific research for years. Since 2010, he has been a member of the scientific council of the Polish-German Foundation for Science. In her research, she focuses primarily on getting to know the German-speaking and Jewish culture of Lodz, which she has described in numerous scientific publications”.

Prof. Dr hab. Tomasz TulejskiProf. dr hab. Tomasz Tulejski

Prof. Dr hab. Tomasz Tulejski, Head of the Department of Political and Legal Doctrines at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz. He is a co-founder and an animator of Alexis de Tocqueville Center of Political and Legal Thought, which is a unique research unit in the country. He intellectually supports the creation of a civil society at the local and national levels.

We would like to offer our congratulations to the awarded scientists!

Source: Stanisław Roszczyk and the City of Lodz Office
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz
Photos: Stanisław Roszczyk and Witold Ancewicz