Certyfikat „Studia z przyszłością” dla kierunku nauczanie chemii na UŁ

The Chemistry Teaching study programme (MA studies) run at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Lodz has received the accreditation certificate "Studia z przyszłością 2023" [Studies of the Future 2023]. The certificate was awarded in the 8th edition of the National Competition and the Accreditation Programme for Study Programmes "Studia z przyszłością".

a group of people at a gala in a stylish hallDr Anna Wypych-Stasiewicz, Associate Professor and dr hab. Anna Zawisza, Associate Professor, Vice-Dean for Student Affairs and Quality of Education during the certificate award ceremony at the Działyński Palace in Poznań

The Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Lodz received the certificate based on the recommendations and applications of the members of the Expert Committee that represent the academic, business and NGO communities. The goal of the programme is to promote studies that stand out on the market with a modern curriculum, innovative learning outcomes, an original model of practical education and effective implementation of didactic assumptions, in line with the expectations of the labour market.

Additionally, the Teaching Chemistry study programme at the University of Lodz received the Extraordinary Certificate of "Education Quality Leader", which honoured the certified programmes that had? received the highest number of ranking points from the members of the Expert Committee.

Granting these two certificates to the Chemistry Teaching study programme will contribute to strengthening its positive image, make it even more popular and have a real impact on the future of our graduates. The chemistry teaching study programme is unique on a national scale, as it is the only one that educates future teachers within the study programme, not the specialisation. In previous editions of the programme, the certificate was also awarded to another study programme run at our faculty – Chemistry of Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals with Business Elements. The certified study programmes, in accordance with the idea of the "Studia z przyszłością" Programme, base their curricula on three pillars: striving to transfer current modern knowledge, creating skills and social competences sought by employers, and investing in the highest quality of education

– Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Lodz, Prof. dr hab. Slawomira Skrzypek.

At the certificate award ceremony, which took place on 13 March 2023 in the Red Room of the Działyński Palace of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań, the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Lodz was represented by Dr Anna Wypych-Stasiewicz, Associate Professor, Head of the study programme and dr hab. Anna Zawisza, Associate Professor, Vice-Dean for Student Affairs and Quality of Education.

The programme was organised by the Foundation for the Development of Education and Higher Education and the PRC Creative Agency.

Source: Faculty of Chemistry, Universityof Lodz

Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz