Łódź Akademicka nagrodzona za promowanie studiowania w naszym mieście

The "Study in Łódź" campaign of Academic Lodz – a joint action of universities from Lodz, i.e. the University of Lodz, the Medical University of Lodz, the Lodz University of Technology and the City of Lodz Office during the educational fair – took third place in the competition for the best creative campaigns of universities in Poland – Genius Universitatis organised by Perspektywy.

A group of people standing at a stand with the words Study in Lodz, University of Lodz, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz University of Technology

It’s cool to study in Lodz

The joint stand of the City of Lodz and three leading public universities in Lodz: the University of Lodz, the Medical University of Lodz and the Lodz University of Technology, was presented for the first time during the nationwide education fair Salon Maturzystów Perspektywy in 2023 [Lounge of the Students Taking Matura Exams 2023]. The form of the stand of the city of Lodz refers to the characteristic of Lodz tram stop located in the city centre and called "Stajnia Jednorożców" [Unicorn Stable] – a symbol of a young open Lodz. Representatives of the university and the city presented the comprehensive offer of Academic Lodz there. Together they encouraged people to study in our city, presenting its rich educational, cultural and economic offer to participants of the fairs in Lublin, Wroclaw, Warsaw, Poznan and Lodz.
They also demonstrated that Lodz is a friendly and attractive city, where it is worth studying, living and working at the joint stand of Academic Lodz during the Perspektywy education fair in 2024.

Creative cooperation of Academic Lodz wins honours

Thirty two universities, which presented 95 promotional activities carried out in the academic year 2023/24 or 2024/25 entered the 12th edition of the Genius Universitatis competition, which showcases the best advertising activities conducted by higher education institutions.
The Academic Lodz's campaign took 3rd place in the GENIUS AD category – it includes all activities that go beyond the topics of the remaining categories, i.e.: 

  • Genius Hero 
  • Genius Stars 
  • press ad 
  • event 
  • promotional gadget
  • social media campaign 
  • promotional video 
  • branded content 

The entries submitted for the competition were assessed by the Jury, consisting of experts under the leadership of the President, Prof. dr hab. Artur Krajewski. The jury included:

  • Joanna Bednarkiewicz |Publicis Worldwide 
  • Bartosz Dembiński | bartoszdembinski.pl 
  • Katarzyna Dragović | Szkoła Mistrzów Reklamy 
  • Adam Nowakowski | Meta 
  • Ewa Opach | IAB Polska 
  • Jacek Szlak | Marketing przy Kawie 
  • Piotr Płachecki| Fabryka Komunikacji Społecznej 
  • dr Jan Zając | Sotrender 
  • Adam Sanocki | Polskie Porty Lotnicze 
  • Bartosz Stawiarz | Perspektywy Press 

This is yet another award for the University of Lodz in the Genius Universitatis competition

The #UniLodz Ambassador Programme took third place in the 11th edition of the Genius Universitatis marketing competition, in the Genius Ad category in 2023.
The University of Lodz also won awards in 2020 in two categories: an event – Instagram "investigation game" WYTROP NAS and a gadget – a hat with the inscription GAŁGAN [Rascal].
Our university took second place in the category of an event supporting admissions. The "Bez Śladu" puzzle room we have created was appreciated in terms of communication consistency, building a clear brand and design.

Edit: Education and Student Affairs Centre, University of Lodz