Nowy grant z udziałem pracowników Katedry Filologii Słowiańskiej UŁ

We are happy to announce another success of Dr hab. Zofia A. Brzozowska, Associate Professor from the Department of Slavic Philology of the University of Lodz (in cooperation with Prof. Dr hab. Mirosław J. Leszka from the Department of Byzantine History at the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the University of Lodz) in obtaining grants for research.

Prof. Zofia Brzozowska (photo: Maciej Andrzejewski - Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz)

A project entitled "Hamartolus Re-discovered. The Byzantine Chronicle of George the Monk from the 9th Century in the Light of Previously Unpublished Greek and Church Slavonic Manuscripts" is among projects qualified for funding in NCN OPUS 24 call. It will be implemented at the Ceraneum Centre at the University of Lodz by a large, historical and philological team led by Prof. Dr hab. Miroslaw J. Leszka. The consortium nature of the project should be noted: it has been prepared and will be implemented in cooperation with the Faculty of History and International Relations of the University of Bialystok, on the basis of a signed agreement for the implementation of a research project in which the University of Lodz is as a leader.

The project is interdisciplinary in nature: Prof. M. J. Leszka will be responsible for historical and Byzantine issues. The two main substantive contractors supervising philological research on manuscripts are: Dr hab. Rafał Kosiński, Associate Professor, University of Bialystok (Greek Code) and Dr hab. Zofia Brzozowska, Associate Professor, University of Lodz from the Department of Slavic Philology of the University of Lodz (Church Slavonic manuscripts).

the manuscriptsThe scientific goal of the project is to conduct multifaceted (palaeographic, codicological, textological, historical and historical-literary) research on the text of the Byzantine chronicle from the 9th century by George the Monk, known as Hamartolus, taking into account its four basic variants preserved to our days (two Greek editions and two Church Slavonic translations). The elaboration of a new edition of the chronicle, taking into account the previously unpublished Greek manuscript and unpublished Church Slavonic manuscripts will be the most important scientific result of the project.

Text: Prof. Zofia Brzozowska