77 lat UŁ! Uroczysty Senat za nami

University of Lodz celebrated its 77th anniversary. During the formal sitting of the UL Senate in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Management, state and university awards were awarded. The speakers included graduates of the University of Lodz – Governor Tobiasz Bocheński, Vice President of Lodz Joanna Skrzydlewska and the Chairman of the City Council of Lodz Marcin Gołaszewski. The UL Rector, Elżbieta Żądzińska recalled the figure of Professor Teodor Vieweger, one of the creators of Academic Lodz, and announced that University of Lodz had joined the UNIC alliance.

Speech of the UL Rector


The UL Rector, Elżbieta Żądzińska, in her speech thanked, among others, for the support that the University of Lodz community provided to the Ukrainian citizens. 

The help that the academic community of the University of Lodz has provided to people fleeing Ukraine is worthy of the highest respect.  You – employees, students, doctoral students and university graduates –deserve great thanks for this. Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank you sincerely for your work, your dedication and your hearts. 

– said the UL Rector, Elżbieta Żądzińska. 

I am proud to be a graduate and employee of this university. It is difficult for me to imagine Lodz without the University of Lodz, because when I think about the city, the first thing that comes to my mind is University of Lodz

- said the Chairman of the City Council of Lodz, Marcin Gołaszewski.

I am pleased that the University of Lodz has shown me how important in life solidarity is, how important in life, diversity is, and how important it is that we are always united in this diversity

- said the Vice President of Lodz, Joanna Skrzydlewska. 

State decorations symbolise appreciation of the entire Republic as a society, as a community, as a government, of your effort. They are a symbol of it all and an outside look at your work and your heritage

– said the Governor, Tobiasz Bocheński. 

State and University Decorations

The state decorations were presented by the Governor – Tobiasz Bocheński. The Golden Cross of Merit for the Activities for the Development of Science was presented to: prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Jung and dr Anna Tyl. Dr hab. Anna Paszkowska-Rogacz, prof. UL, was awarded the Bronze Cross of Merit, while mgr inż. Błażej Marciniak was awarded the Silver Cross of Merit.  

The Governor of Lodz also presented medals for long-term service to the employees of the University of Lodz. The medals were awarded in the last few years; however, they could not be awarded personally due to the pandemic.

University decorations were also handed out. The medals “Universitatis Lodziensis Amico (Friend of the University of Lodz)” were awarded to: Professor Yves Brihaye from the University of Mons in Belgium, dr inż. Grzegorz Lichocik, Professor dr Wolfgang Weigand from Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany, Infosys Poland Sp. z o.o., which was represented by Agnieszka Jackowska – Durkacz (Managing Director of Infosys Poland Sp. z o. o.), Professor Tomas Davulis from Vilnius University, Professor dr Kai Kaarniranta from the University of Eastern Finland and dr hab. Dorota Klus-Stańska from the University of Gdańsk. The medals are awarded to people of particular merit for the University of Lodz and closely related to our university, whose long-term cooperation with our researchers results in joint publications, conferences or lectures. 

Medals “Universitas Lodziensis Merentibus” (For special merits for the University of Lodz) were presented to nine outstanding employees of our university: prof. dr hab. Henryka Długońska, prof. dr hab. Jan Jeżak, prof. dr hab. Wojciech Katner, prof. dr hab. Zofia Kiliańska, prof. dr hab. Wanda Krajewska, prof. dr hab. Małgorzata Leyko, prof. dr hab. Andrzej Łuczak, prof. dr hab. Wiaczesław Nowik, late prof. dr hab. Tomasz Grzegorczyk (on behalf of the Professor the medal will be collected by his wife – Elżbieta Miller-Grzegorczyk'). 

All decorations awarded at the University of Lodz are available in the "about the university" section:

Formal sitting of the Senate of the University of Łódź - photo gallery

University of Lodz in the UNIC alliance

Source: Senate of the University of Lodz 
Redakcja: Promotion Centre of the University of Lodz