PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Mariusz Sokołowicz

Dean’s duties specified in the Statute of the University of Lodz:
- Manages the Faculty and represents it (§ 70).
- Supervises the Faculty’s employees and students, acting on the Rector’s authorization (§ 70).
- Makes decisions regarding the Faculty not belonging to the other University’s bodies competences (§ 70), in particular:
- Realizes a development strategy for the Faculty in line with the University development strategy;
- Makes decisions on behalf of the Rector within the scope of the power of attorney granted by the Rector;
- Manages the financial affairs of the Faculty;
- Submits a draft material and financial plan for the Faculty to the Faculty Council;
- Incurs liabilities and expenditures on behalf of the Faculty and manages Faculty’s properties based on a power of attorney granted by the Rector;
- Coordinates teaching activities at the Faculty;
- Takes measures to develop research activities based on the Science Board’s decisions;
- Appoints and recalls heads of the Faculty’s Institutes and Chairs;
- Makes decisions on other matters related to the activities of the Faculty (§70);
- Signs and approves financial documents in the Employee Portal;
- Makes decisions regarding the subsidy’s distribution;
- Decides on the bonus and reward system for Faculty employees.
- Supervises the development of the Faculty’s facilities.
- Coordinates promotional activities and Faculty’s celebrations.
- Supervises the work of the Faculty’s Administrative and Technical Center.
In addition, the Dean:
- Chairs the Faculty Council meetings (§ 62, § 63).
- Chairs the Dean’s College (§ 71).
- Creates inclusive institutions supporting employees and empowering their participation in choosing the Faculty’s development ways.
- Ensures a good working atmosphere.
Urbanist-economist, researching economies of cities and regions and ways to improve their efficiency.
Born in Lodz. Associate Professor at the University of Lodz, who explores local government policy effectiveness, urban laboratories, heritage valuation, and the territorial capital analysed through the institutional economics lenses. Perceives local government as a common good. He believes decentralising powers and rapprochement with citizens are among the best things to happen to societies, empowering their entrepreneurial potential. Professor Sokolowicz was also responsible for urban revitalisation as a local government official and often advises local and national public agencies in this realm, rendering more resilient regions and cities. In his free time, he reads a lot and writes a little. His passions are motorcycle travel, amateur theatre and tricky crossword puzzles.
- Specialization:
Urban and regional economics – institutional perspective, urban labs
- Regional and Urban Economics
- Place Marketing
- Doctoral seminar: urban and regional studies, institutional economics and territorial development, public sector economics in local government, experiments in urban and regional settings (disciplines: economics and finance + socio-economic geography and spatial planning)
Selected publications:
- Matera, R., & (2023)., Sokołowicz, M. E., Does history affect regional resilience in the long term? Path-dependence lessons from Poland. In Resilience and Regional Development. New Roadmaps (ss. 127–147). Edward Elgar.
- Sokołowicz M.E., Nowakowska, A., & Ciarkowski, B. (2023). The Ambiguous Legacy of Socialist Modernist Architecture in Central and Eastern Europe. London: Routledge.
- Sokołowicz, M. E., Lewandowska-Gwarda K., Przygodzki Z. (2022). Is the grass elsewhere really greener? A study on the place marketing activity of Polish self-governments. Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, nr 57: 7–21.
- Sokołowicz, M. E. (2022). Wartościowanie niejednoznacznego dziedzictwa modernizmu w mieście na przykładzie stacji kolejowej Warszawa Ochota. Studia Regionalne i Lokalne, 1(87), 86–107.
- Sokołowicz M.E. (2021). Wspólne, czyli czyje? Kilka uwag o miejskich dobrach wspólnych. W: Miasto wobec wyzwań. Gdynia: UrbanLab Gdynia, ss. 225-241, pobierz
- Sokołowicz M.E. (2020). Siła przekonywania. Wykorzystanie ekonomii behawioralnej i architektury wyboru w działaniach na rzecz ochrony środowiska w samorządach. "Przegląd Geograficzny" 92(4), ss. 569-589, DOI:, pobierz
- Kowalski, K., Matera, R., & Sokołowicz, M. E. (2020). The Role of Immigrants in the ‘Take-Offs’ of Eastern European ‘Manchesters’. Comparative Case Studies of Three Cities: Lodz, Tampere and Ivanovo. "Journal of Migration History" 6(3), pp. 269-299. DOI:
- Sokołowicz M.E., Przygodzki Z. (2020). The value of ambiguous architecture in cities. The concept of a valuation method of 20th century post-socialist train stations. "Cities" 104, pp. 2-15, download
- Sokołowicz M.E. (2019). Student cities or cities of graduates? The case of Lodz and its students declared preferences. "Population, Space and Place", vol. 25 (2), e2177. DOI: 10.1002/psp.2177, download
- Sokołowicz M.E. (2015). Rozwój terytorialny w świetle dorobku ekonomii instytucjonalnej. Przestrzeń - bliskość - instytucje. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, ISBN: 978-83-7969-785-4, download
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