Supported programs:

  • Spanish Philology
  • Spanish Philology with English
  • German Philology
  • Classical Philology with Mediterranean Culture
  • Romance Philology
  • Russian Philology
  • Slavic Philology
  • Italian Philology
  • Polish-German Studies

The Department conducts research in the field of theory and practice of German linguistics and translation studies. The research interests of the Department's employees include issues such as diachronic and contrastive text and media linguistics, computer game localization, linguistics of press discourse, Polish-German, identity and memory discourse, German-language press in Łódź, certified translations and modern tools for translators and terminology management, jurislinguistics, eye-tracking research on the translation process, and didactics of oral, written, certified and multimedia translations.

Simultaneously, research is being conducted in the areas of descriptive, contrastive and dependency grammar, phonetics and phonology, standard (literary), professional and diatopic lexis and phraseology, borrowings and foreign words, issues of lapsology in the context of inter- and intralingual interference, pragmalinguistics and cognitive science, linguistic humour, as well as political communication and the language of politics and politicians.

1)  I teach practical German PNJN (master's degree studies), master's and bachelor's seminars in linguistics, seminars in media and text linguistics, translation and interpreting.

2)  As part of the work related to the activities of the Institute of Germanic Philology, I am a member of the Institute’s Council and coordinator of PNJN classes (master's degree studies ).

3)  As part of my activities related to the work of the Faculty of Philology, I am Vice-Dean and a member of the Faculty Council


University of Lod

1. Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Phillology (since Sept. 2024);

2. Head of the Department of German Linguistics and Translation Studies (since October 2023); 

3. Associate professor (since 2021); 

4. Obtaining the academic degree of habilitated doctor of humanities in the discipline of linguistics (June 28, 2019); title of habilitation thesis "Binationale Diskursanalyse: Grundlagen und Fallstudien zum deutsch-polnischen medialen Gegendiskurs";

Goethe Institute Examination Centre at the Faculty of Philology (CEIG) 

A licensed examiner (from level A1 to C2) at CEIG (since 2001) (examiner's license at the Goethe Institute in Munich); 

 Vice-President of the Association of Academic Teachers for the Promotion of the Culture of European Languages ​​(SNA) (since January 2015);


media linguistics, transformations of text genres in media space (from print to multimodal communication); discourse linguistics, discourse of the expellees and about the expellees, counterdiscourse; language of memory and identity; text linguistics, press texts, political commentary, dialogicity of press texts; translation studies, translation theory, literary translation from a linguistic perspective; political linguistics;


Establishing cooperation with scientists from the University of Rzeszów (Department of Media Linguistics and the Research, Teaching and Knowledge Transfer Centre "Text-Discourse-Communication") and with the Department of Applied Linguistics (University of Lublin, MCS), thanks to which joint projects are being created in the field of text and media linguistics (leading topic: transformations of types of texts in the media space in a contrastive approach) and discourse linguistics (leading topic: constructing and stabilising discourse communities, the community nature of the "Women's Strike").

Collaboration with Prof. Sandra Reimann (University of Oulu/Finland) and Dr Marcin Michoń (IFG, UŁ) within the project associating universities of the UNIC network "Germanistik in postindustriellen Räumen".


Pomorska 171/173 90-236 Łódź


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