Katedra Teorii Wychowania

About us

The scope of scientific research realized at the Institute of Psychology,

Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Lodz


Topics of ongoing scientific research:

  • Personality and situational determinants of employees’ well-being
  • Trauma at work and its effects
  • Aggression/Mobbing/Sexual abuse at work
  • Issues in career development (ability to adapt to a career, career construction)
  • Standardisation of diagnostic techniques useful in vocational counselling
  • Personal (including psychological gender, psychological capital) and situational (including organizational climate) determinants of an employee’s functioning at work
  • Work models and forms of employment as related to satisfaction with varied spheres of life
  • Diagnostic tools used in personal guidance
  • Satisfaction with work
  • Commitment to work
  • Relations (including trust) at work
  • Work conditions
  • Employees’ positive personal resources and possibilities of their development
  • A person at labour market (methods of staff selection, key competencies)
  • Organisational climate – individual and organisational consequences
  • Generation differences in work environment
  • Psychological determinants of success in business
  • Psychological well-being of people of business: psychological, financial, and organizational determinants
  • Environmental psychology, local identity, place psychology, neighbourhood capital

    Topics of ongoing scientific research:

  • Psychology of procreation – postpartum depression and its determinants and consequences, adaptation to motherhood and fatherhood, menopause and andropause
  • Cognitive susceptibility to depressive disorders in varied stages of life
  • Biological and personality determinants of depression in women and men
  • Addictions and addiction therapy
  • The role of early negative schemas (the idea by Young) in aetiology of disorders
  • Clinical neuropsychology
  • Suicides – risk factors and prevention possibilities, the role of a ‘gatekeeper’
  • Eating disorders
  • Cognitive susceptibility to affective and anxiety disorders, also in children with
  • a chronic autoimmune disease – type 1 diabetes

  • Well-being of aging men and women, chronopsychology

    Topics of ongoing scientific research:

  • Psychology of emotions: Emotional work – its determinants and consequences, emotional contagion and emotional mimesis, emotion and mood measurement, social cognition, social meanings of tears, affective communication
  • Social attitudes: Attitudes towards sexual minorities, seniors, and towards sexuality
  • Psychology of close emotional relationships (marriages, cohabitations, same-sex relationships, ‘two-careers’ relationships). Strategies of partner selection, partner relationships, interpersonal commitment, sexual satisfaction, conflicts and crises, consequences of relational ostracism. Analysis of processes in close relationships. Close emotional relationships and life quality. Health and interpersonal relationships in singles.
  • Family psychology: Family values in cross-sectional studies, intergenerational transmission of behavioural patterns in a family system, family determinants of personal autonomy in young adults. Systemic mechanisms of developing psychological well-being. Family relations in the context of economic migrations. Interpersonal relations among siblings from the systemic perspective, determinants and consequences of positive and negative bonds among siblings, the role of family relations and siblings in forming aggression among young adults. Digitization of family life and its consequences.

    Topics of ongoing scientific research:

  • Traumatic stress and posttraumatic growth and its determinants in adults, children, and youth
  • Identification of risk factors of secondary traumatisation
  • The relation between trauma and behavioural addictions (to eating, shopping, Internet)
  • Adaptation to a chronic somatic disease (especially cancer and a dermatological disease)
  • Healthy behaviours, especially among seniors
  • Determinants of mental health in school environment. The ongoing research activity includes elaboration of new measurement tools to be used in health psychology. At present these include: The List of Symptoms after Traumatic Stress, The Inventory of Secondary Positive Posttraumatic Changes.
  • Contact details

    Department of Theory of Upbringing

    • Pomorska 46/48 91-408 Łódź
    tel: 42-665-50-85 e-mail:
