Katedra Edukacji Artystycznej i Pedagogiki Twórczości

About us

Department of Artistic Education and Pedagogy of Creativity

Description of the scientific and research activities

  1. Area and directions of scientific and research activities

The scientific and research interests of the Department's employees cover three main areas:

Art education and art pedagogy - art, music, theater, film, visual and other education - art pedagogy and its theories, including new concepts going beyond the paradigm long dominant in Polish art pedagogy and associated with classical approaches, new art and digital media and their educational functions;

Pedagogy of creativity - educational determinants of the development of creativity and creative abilities, theories of the creative school and concepts of developing creative abilities, didactics of creativity; barriers to creative education in art schools, significant people in creative education, the importance of epiphanies and crystallizing experiences in the development of creativity, methods of identifying and supporting creative and artistic abilities, methodology of research on creativity, especially qualitative (biographical) and mixed methods of research;

Education for wisdom - manifestations and aspects of wisdom among children and adolescents and adults, concepts of training "wisdom" competencies and their diagnosis;

Pedagogy of culture, media and cultural animation - cultural and media education, cultural animation, the importance of cultural and visual education in upbringing, the processes of acculturation of youth and cultural animation of groups and the local environment, mass culture and the dangers of its expansion, cultural interests of children and adolescents, cultural and media education programs, etc.

What unites all these fields is the cultural-creative activity of man, understood as the creation of good (products, works, methods, ways of action, etc.) in various fields of human activity, intended to make the life of man better and contribute to improving his mental well-being. This is how the most general object of research of the Department's staff can be understood - the cultural-creative activity of man during life.

Major publications of employees:

  • K.J. Szmidt, Pedagogika twórczości, wyd. II poszerzone, Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, Sopot 2013, s. 734.
  • M. Modrzejewska-Świgulska, Twórczość codzienna w narracjach pedagogów, Wydawnictwo UŁ, Łódź 2014, s. 225.
  • P. Soszyński, Kompetencje informatyczne nauczycieli muzyki. Stan postulowany a rzeczywisty, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2014, s. 300.
  • A. Chmielińska, Dynamika transgresji twórczych. Studia przypadków pedagogów, Wydawnictwo UŁ, Łódź 2017, s. 187
  • M. Modrzejewska-Świgulska, red., Biograficzne badania nad twórczością. Teoria i empiria, Wydawnictwo UŁ, Łódź 2016, s. 160.
  • M. Zalewska-Pawlak, Sztuka i wychowanie w XXI wieku. W poszukiwaniu zagubionej teorii sztuki życia i sztuki w wychowaniu, Wydawnictwo UŁ, Łódź 2017, s. 350.
  • K.J. Szmidt, Edukacyjne uwarunkowania rozwoju kreatywności, Wydawnictwo UŁ, Łódź 2017, s. 246.
  • M. Zalewska-Pawlak, M. Sasin, red., Różnorodni przez sztukę. Edukacja artystyczna w środowiskach zróżnicowanych kulturowo, Wydawnictwo UŁ, Łódź 2017.
  • Kreatologia – Nauka o twórczości i kreatywności jako przestrzeń interdyscyplinarna, red. K.J. Szmidt, „Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne” tom 7, numer 2/2018, s. 267.
  • K.J. Szmidt, Kreatywność – twórczość – postawa twórcza. Próba systematyzacji pojęć i teorii, W: Alternatywy w edukacji, red. B. Śliwerski i A, Rozmus, Oficyna Wydawnicza „Impuls”, WSIZ Rzeszów, Kraków 2018, s.127-154.
  • K.J. Szmidt, Kreatywność metodologiczna w badaniach pedagogicznych, „Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych” nr 26/2018, s. 139-158.
  • K.J. Szmidt, Krytyka w badaniach pedagogicznych: sześć niedobrych praktyk, „Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych” nr 27 (2/2018), s.221-240.
  • M. Sasin, Project of Artistic Workshops for Students as an Example of Participatory Practice in the University Environment. Achievements and Impediments, [w:] “Participatory Social Work: Research, Practice, Education”, M. Granosik, A. Gulczyńska, M. Kostrzyńska, B. Littlechild (red.), s. 303-322, Wydawnictwo UŁ, Jagiellonian University Press 2019.
  • K.J. Szmidt, ABC kreatywności. Kontynuacje, Difin, Warszawa 2019, s. 394.
  • M. Sasin, M. Modrzejewska-Świgulska, T. Sass, Processes Stimulating Dynamic Cooperation in Female Art Groups. A Qualitative Research Report, „Creativity. Theories – Research – Applications” 2019, volume 6, s. 112-124
  • P. Soszyński, Cross-cultural determinants of music interpretation, [in:] Performance Analysis. A Bridge between Theory and Interpretation, M. Soveral, S. Zurletti (eds), Cambridge SP, Newcastle 2019.
  • M. Sasin, Ekologia akustyczna – nieobecny dyskurs w pedagogice, „Teraźniejszość –Człowiek – Edukacja”, 2019, tom 22, nr 1 (85), s. 31-48.
  • A. Chmielińska, M. Modrzejewska-Świgulska, W stronę samorealizacji. Re-decyzje życiowe kobiet, Wydawnictwo UŁ, Łódź 2020, s. 139.
  • M. Zalewska-Pawlak, A. Sieczych-Kukawska, red., Granice tolerancji w sztuce i wychowaniu, Wydawnictwo UŁ, Łódź 2020, s. 168.
  • K.J. Szmidt, E. Płóciennik, Myślenie pytajne. Teoria i kształcenie, Wydawnictwo UŁ, Łódź 2020, s. 288.
  • „Creativity: Theories – Research – Application”, Special Issue, Volume 7, Issue 1 2020, ed. K.J. Szmidt, s. 181.
  • K.J. Szmidt, M. Modrzejewska-Świgulska, Together or separately: dilemmas of group work in professional creativity, “Creativity: Theories – Research – Application” 2020, Vol. 7, Issue 1, s. 1-27.
  • M. Sasin, M. Modrzejewska-Świgulska, T. Sass, Dynamika rozwoju działalności kobiecych grup artystycznych, „Kultura i Edukacja” 2020, nr 1 (127), s. 162–179.
  • K.J. Szmidt, A. Majewska-Owczarek, Theoretical models of teaching creativity – critical review, “Creativity: Theories – Research – Application” 2020, Vol. 7, Issue 1, s. 54-73.
  • M. Justyńska, The Issue of Assessment Criteria for Performance of Creative Tasks with the Example of the Odyssey of the Mind, “Creativity: Theories – Research – Application” 2020, nr 7, s. 147-168.
  • A. Chmielińska, M. Modrzejewska-Świgulska, Women’s Life (Re)decisions. Report from Biographical Narratives, “Przegląd Badań Edukacyjnych” 2020, nr 30, s. 87-105.
  • M. Sasin, red., Kultura i twórczość w czasach zarazy. Doświadczenie pandemii a aktywność artystyczna z punktu widzenia twórcy i odbiorcy, Wydawnictwo UŁ, Łódź 2021, s. 219.
  • P. Soszyński P., Learning ecology of music teacher’s TPACK, “Technology, Pedagogy and Education” 2022, vol. 31(1).
  • Szmidt K.J., Modrzejewska-Świgulska M., red. Pedagogika zdolności i twórczości. Teorie - modele – edukacja, “Nauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne”, tom 16, no. 1/2023.
  • Szmidt K.J., Kreatywność na 33 sposoby, Helion S.A., Gliwice 2023, s. 350.

Research projects

The most important research and educational projects that the Department's employees have carried out and are carrying out in recent years have been:

· Educational determinants of creativity development - the result of theoretical and empirical research in this project were: the monograph by Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Szmidt titled "Educational determinants of creativity development". "Educational determinants of creativity development" (Publishers of the University of Lodz, Lodz 2017), editing by K. Szmidt of the special issue of "Education Sciences. Interdisciplinary Studies" entitled "Creatology - the science of creativity and creativity as an interdisciplinary space", bringing together many leading authors in the field from home and abroad (No. 7/2018). The editor also prepared a volume of articles by Polish and foreign authors in the respected English-language scientific journal "Creativity: Theories - Research - Application" (2020, no. 7).

Ø Within the framework of the above-mentioned research stream, Dr. Monika Modrzejewska-Świgulska carried out a research project that deals with reconstructing the life experiences of professional artists and determining the most important socio-cultural factors that influence the development of their careers. The result of the qualitative research carried out was the author's publications and active speeches at several scientific conferences, including foreign ones, as well as a co-authored monograph with Dr. A. Chmielinskaya titled. "Toward self-realization. Women's Life Re-decisions" (Wyd. UŁ, Łódź 2020). The continuation of this research is a team, interdepartmental project under the direction of Ph. M. Modrzejewska-Świgulska "From a Model of Life Re-Decisions to a Tool. Construction and validation of the Life Redecision Questionnaire", which is the implementation of the IDUB grant (2022).

Ø Related to this broad project is the research program of A. Majewska-Owczarek, M.A., and covered by a formal agreement between the Faculty of Education Sciences and the School "Pracownia" in Lodz and a grant for young researchers (2019/20), and consisting of research in action pth. "Creative school in the process of creation". The same grant covered M. Justynska's ongoing research program on Odyssey of the Mind and its creatogenic environment. Both projects are ongoing.

· Lasting for more than 16 years, the "School Supporting Talents" project, commissioned by the MSCDN in Plock and involving the implementation of a permanent form of teaching creativity to kindergartens and schools (research in action), ended in 2022;

· Art and education - art as a subject of research was presented in general and field approaches. The results of this research were presented in texts and speeches at

national and international conferences. In the field approaches, the research was focused on the dissemination and reception of music with a distinction of the importance of women composers in the process of creation and reception of music, as well as the musical education of children. The results of this research were presented, among others, in the works of M. Zalewska-Pawlak "Art and education in the XXI century" (Wyd. UŁ, Łódź 2017) and the collective work edited by M. Zalewska-Pawlak and A. Sieczych-Kukawska "Boundaries of tolerance in art and education" (Wyd. UŁ, Łódź 2020).

· Creative questioning thinking. A multi-year research project aimed at developing the theoretical basis of the category of questioning thinking and the concept of training these competencies in school and cultural centers. The research was carried out by students of art education and early childhood education within the framework of workshops and graduation seminars, the result is an original publication by K.J. Szmidt and E. Plóciennik entitled "Questioning Thinking. Theory and Education" (Wyd. UŁ, Lodz 2020) and a number of previous articles and lectures on the subject, delivered, among others, at the Congress of Education organized by FRSE in Warsaw.

· Possibilities and needs for the development of acoustic ecology in a pedagogical perspective - a research project from 2020 by Dr. M. Sasin, which aims to develop a theory and model of education within the acoustic ecology trend. The author carries out empirical research with experts and develops the theory of this issue, presented in a series of articles. Ultimately, there will be a monographic work in 2024 "Soundscape as an element of the educational environment. An acoustic ecology perspective".

· Education for wisdom - a research and publishing project aimed at developing a concept of the theoretical basis for the education of abilities and competencies related to wisdom, understood as creative and rational action for the general good. Within the framework of the project, a publishing series of the Publishing House of the University of Lodz entitled "Education for Wisdom" has been created. "Education for Wisdom", within the framework of which nine scientific and methodological monographs have been published, by Polish and foreign authors, and further items related to it are being prepared. The project will lead to the publication of a translation of an academic textbook, authored by R.J. Sternberg and J. Gluck titled "Wisdom. The Psychology of Wise Thoughts, Words, and Actions" (to be published in October 2023), edited academically and with an introduction by K.J. Szmidt. The project to build a foundation of wisdom knowledge is popularized in the media and "science picnics."

Research and education project entitled" Avant-garde ", implemented in cooperation with the Department of Psychopedagogy of Creativity" at the Academy of Special Education in Warsaw (co-manager of the project - Dr. Jacek Gralewski), commissioned by the General Command of the Armed Forces (Lieutenant General Wieslaw Kulesza) and in cooperation with the psychological services of the Armed Forces Command (project manager - Lt. Col. Malgorzata Kowalska). The aim of the project is the innovative establishment, training and implementation of creative teams ("Vanguard") in the armed forces to make significant changes to improve the implementation of creative innovations. The project consists of several stages, starting with the selection of candidates for the group on the basis of test surveys and interviews (completed in June), followed by the workshop training of selected individuals (starting in September 2023) and consulting on their work thereafter. Department staff are involved in all these stages. The project will culminate in a scientific publication edited by Prof. K.J Szmidt and Dr. J. Gralewski.

Cooperation with academic centers from Poland and abroad

  • Long-term informal international cooperation with the University of Bologna (prof. Ch. Pancirolli) concerning artistic and cultural education and training for the profession of art educator. Submission of the project within Erasmus Plus on: “Art in adults’ lifelong experience of community”. Partners from the University of Bologna, the University of Milan and Valencia. (the project scored below the funding threshold).
  • Continuation of informal cooperation with prof. Ricardo Huerta from the University of Valencia, prof. Chiara Panciroli from the University of Bologna, concerning the exchange of experiences of remote teaching at the university. As part of this cooperation, prof. dr hab. M. Zalewska-Pawlak conducted a scientific seminar at the University of Bologna in 2018 on "Perspectives of aesthetic education - a Polish example". Co-publications are also planned.
  • Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Szmidt has been a member of the expert team of the Center for Values in Medicine, Science and Technology) School of Arts and Humanities University of Texas at Dallas (USA), since 2009. In cooperation with dr M. Grohman, deputy director of the Center, a joint paper for the X Division APA conference and a chapter in the work “Teaching Creatively and Teaching Creativity” edited by M. Gregorson and J. Kaufman (Springer 2013) were prepared. This cooperation is continued and consists mainly of research consultations and publication activities.
  • Informal cooperation with the School of Education Paula Frassinetti (Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti) in Porto, under the ERASMUS + program, was also undertaken after two study visits by Dr. M. Modrzejewska-Swiguska. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, further cooperation has been suspended. There are plans to reinstate it.
  • The Department also cooperates with research centers in Poland:

With the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Białystok. Within its framework, a joint project was created by prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Szmidt and dr hab., Janina Uszyńska-Jarmoc, prof. UwB, as a result of which the text “Pedagogy of creativity - development of educational theory and practices” was developed, which is the most extensive description of this subdiscipline of science in Polish literature. As part of this cooperation, prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Szmidt and dr M. Modrzejewska-Świgulska are members of the Scientific Council of the international and prestigious journal “Creativity: Theories - Research – Application” published at that university, they prepared a special issue of the journal presenting the achievements of Polish researchers (2020) and serve as reviewers.

With the University of Szczecin - Pedagogical Institute and Prof. Dr. D. Kubinowski - cooperation on the conception and creation of the team work “Key competences of cultural animators and their education” (2020), writing a chapter entitled “Creativity” by Prof. Dr. K. Szmidt. The cooperation also includes the activities of the Art Pedagogy Section of KNP PAN, whose chairman is Prof. D. Kubinowski, and concerns the activities of the Section (sessions, promotional, educational and other activities). The elected member of the Section is Prof. K. Szmidt, PhD.

Cooperation within the scientific committee of the series “Education for Wisdom” with: prof. dr. hab. A. Pobojewska (Institute of Philosophy, UŁ), dr. hab. I. Czaja-Chudyba (UP in Cracow) on these publications, as well as translation on the initiative of the head of the series of foreign items and their editing. This cooperation resulted in the publication of four monographs by the University of Lodz Publishing House.

Najważniejsze nagrody i wyróżnienia pracowników

  • Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Szmidt was appointed by the Committee of Pedagogical Sciences as a member of the 10-person Section of Art Pedagogy of the Committee of Scientific Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the term 2020-2022. In addition, he was appointed a member of the Scientific Council of the Publishing House of the Foundation for the Development of the Education System and is a member of the Scientific Council of the journal “Creativity: Theories-Research-Applications” and is the chairman of the Scientific Council of the Series "Education for Wisdom" and “Therapy and Upbringing” of the University of Lodz Publishing House.
  • On February 6, 2020, Prof. Dr. Hab. Mirosława Zalewska-Pawlak received the academic title of professor of social sciences (full professor appointed by the President of Poland)
  • Team award of the 1st degree of the Rector of the University of Lodz, for M. Sasin for the monograph "Participatory Social Work: Research, Practice, Education", M. Granosik, A. Gulczyńska, M. Kostrzyńska, B. Littlechild (eds.) (2020).
  • Team Award of the 2nd degree of the Rector of the University of Lodz, for K.J. Szmidt for the publication “Questioning Thinking. Theory and Education” (2022) and M. Modrzejewska-Świgulska and A. Chmielińska for the book “Towards Self-Realization. Women's Life Re-Decisions” (2022).

Contact details

Department of Artistic Education and Pedagogy of Creativity

  • Pomorska 46/48 91-408 Łódź
tel: 42-665-50-92 e-mail:
