Ośrodek Spraw Azjatyckich (Center for Asian Affairs)

University of Lodz is a constantly expanding community, sharing its experiences and knowledge, drawing strength from its diversity and tradition of multiculturalism. It is a university open to the international community, looking for partners to conduct relevant and reliable research.

There are nearly 2750 international students at the University of Lodz and over 80 employees from all over the world. We try to provide our guests with full support during their stay in Lodz, in particular during their first contact with the university. We also help to complete formalities and dispel doubts over living in Poland. You are welcome at the University of Lodz!


Dean: prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Marczak


prof. dr hab. Magdalena Błażewicz – Vice-Dean for Science

dr hab. Renata Bocian – Vice-Dean for Teaching and Learning

dr hab. Katarzyna Szczepko-Morawiec, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Quality of Education

dr hab. Aneta Balcerczyk, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Internationalisation

dr hab. Tomasz Jurczak, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Cooperation with Socio-Economic Environment

E: dziekan@biol.uni.lodz.pl

W: biol.uni.lodz.pl

Dean: prof. dr hab. Rafał Głowacki


prof. dr hab. Marcin Palusiak – Vice-Dean for Science

dr hab. Bogna Rudolf, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for International Relations and Faculty Promotion

dr hab. Anna Zawisza, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Student Affairs and Quality of Education

E: dziekanat@chemia.uni.lodz.pl

W: chemia.uni.lodz.pl

Dean: dr hab. Mariusz Sokołowicz, prof. UL


dr hab. Anetta Kuna-Marszałek, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Education

dr hab. Wojciech Woźniak, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Research Development

dr hab. Tomasz Uryszek, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Student Affairs

dr hab. Ewa Kusideł, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Evaluation of Science

dr Piotr Gabrielczak – Vice-Dean for Internationalisation

E: eksocul@uni.lodz.pl

W: eksoc.uni.lodz.pl

Dean: prof. dr hab. Rafał Zarębski


dr hab. Ewa Kobyłecka-Piwońska – Vice-Dean for Aademic Affairs, Projects and International and Socio-Economic Cooperation

dr hab. Dorota Kaczmarek – Vice-Dean for Teaching, Postgraduate Studies and Social Affairs

dr hab. Agnieszka Łowczanin – Vice-Dean for Teaching and International Students

dr hab. Magdalena Pietrzak – Vice-Dean for Teaching and Student Affairs at the Faculty

dr hab. Monika Worsowicz – Vice-Dean for Teaching, Promotion of the Faculty and Cooperation with Schools

E: filolog@uni.lodz.pl

W: http://filolog.uni.lodz.pl

Dean: dr hab. Marek Gensler, prof. UL


dr hab. Paweł Filipczak, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Science and Finance

dr hab. Agnieszka Gralińska-Toborek, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Student Affairs: full-time, part-time and postgraduate studies

dr hab. Adrianna Szczerba – Vice-Dean for International Relations

dr Sebastian Latocha – Vice-Dean for Quality of Education


E: filhist@uni.lodz.pl

W: wydzfilhist.uni.lodz.pl

Dean: dr hab. Tomasz Gwizdałła, prof. UL


dr hab. Paweł Caban, prof UL – Vice-Dean for Science and International Relations

dr hab. Joanna Gonera, prof UL – Vice-Dean for Teaching and Quality of Education

dr hab. Maciej Rogala, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for General and Financial Affairs


E: dziekanat@fis.uni.lodz.pl

W: wfis.uni.lodz.pl

Dean: dr hab. Grażyna Horbaczewska, prof. UL


dr Monika Bartkiewicz – Vice-Dean for Education and Students

dr hab. Marek Śmietański, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Finance

dr hab. Aleksandra Orpel, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Science and International Relations

dr hab. Marek Majewski, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Promotion and External Relations


E: sekretariat@wmii.uni.lodz.pl

W: math.uni.lodz.pl

Dean: dr hab. Alina Wróbel, prof. UL


dr hab. Monika Wiśniewska-Kin, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Science

dr. hab. Arkadiusz Wąsiński, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Education

dr hab. Joanna Miniszewska, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Student Affairs and Course of Study

dr Arkadiusz Kaźmierczak, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Economic Affairs


E: wnow@uni.lodz.pl

W: wnow.uni.lodz.pl

Dean: prof. dr hab. Marcin Wójcik


dr hab. Szymon Wiśniewski, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for the Development and Promotion of the Discipline of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management

dr hab. Wojciech Tołoczko, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for the Development and Promotion of the Discipline of Earth and Environmental Sciences

dr Marta Nalej – Vice-Dean for Programmes and Quality of Education

dr Małgorzata Frydrych – Vice-Dean for Student Affairs


E: dziekanat@geo.uni.lodz.pl

W: www.geo.uni.lodz.pl

Dean: dr hab. Monika Bogucka-Felczak, prof. UL


dr Paweł Dańczak – Vice-Dean for Student Affairs – Law Study Programme

dr hab. Joanna Połatyńska, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Teaching and Learning

dr Paweł Dańczak – Vice-Dean for Student Affairs

dr hab. Aneta Kaźmierska-Patrzyczna, prof. UL – Vice Dean for International Cooperation and Projects

dr hab. Dorota Wiśniewska, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Science

dr Izabela Florczak – Vice-Dean for International Relations and Projects


E: dziekanat@wpia.uni.lodz.pl

W: wpia.uni.lodz.pl

Dean: dr hab. Ryszard Machnikowski, prof. UL


dr hab. Agnieszka Kisztelińska-Węgrzyńska, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Science and International Relations

dr hab. Andrzej Dubicki, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Teaching

dr Agata Włodarska-Frykowska – Vice-Dean for Student Affairs


E: interul@uni.lodz.pl

W: wsmip.uni.lodz.pl

Dean: prof. dr hab. Ewa Walińska


dr hab. Tomasz Czapla, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Science and Development

dr hab. Maciej Turała, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for International Relations

dr hab. Małgorzata Striker, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Students Affairs

dr hab. Jakub Marszałek, prof. UL – Vice-Dean for Quality of Education


E: dziekanwz@uni.lodz.pl

W: wz.uni.lodz.pl

Acting Dean: dr Piotr Seliger, prof. UL


dr Urszula Wójcikowska – Vice-Dean for Teaching


E: filiaul@uni.lodz.pl

W: filia.uni.lodz.pl 


University of Lodz Library
Jana Matejki 32/38
90-237 Łódź

P: 048 42 635-60-02
E: sekretariat@lib.uni.lodz.pl
W: http://www.lib.uni.lodz.pl/en/



Narutowicza 68
90-136 Łódź

E: br@uni.lodz.pl

Narutowicza 68
90-136 Łódź

Room: 107

E: kanclerzul@uni.lodz.pl

Narutowicza 68
90-136 Łódź

Room: 107

E: kanclerz_t@uni.lodz.pl

Narutowicza 68
90-136 Łódź

Pokoje: 107

E: kanclerz_s@uni.lodz.pl

Narutowicza 68
90-136 Łódź

Room: 302

P: 42-635-41-01
E: kwestorul@uni.lodz.pl

Narutowicza 68
90-136 Łódź

Rooms: 311, 312, 313, 316 and 317

T: 42-635-42-38

Narutowicza 68
90-136 Łódź

Room: 212

E: wspolpraca@uni.lodz.pl


Uniwersytecka 3
90-137 Łódź 

Rooms: 201, 209-2011

E: komunikacja@uni.lodz.pl   

Narutowicza 68
90-136 Łódź

Room: 202

E: diir@uni.lodz.pl

Jana Matejki 34A
90-237 Łódź

Room: 22

P: 42-635-42-14
E: iod@uni.lodz.pl

Jana Matejki 21/23
90-237 Łódź

T: 42-635-43-85

Narutowicza 68
90-136 Łódź

Room: 215

E: czm@uni.lodz.pl

Narutowicza 68
90-136 Łódź

Rooms: 309 a, b

E: df@uni.lodz.pl 

Uniwersytecka 3
90-137 Łódź

Room: 309

E: ihub@uni.lodz.pl  

International Relations Office is responsible for:

  • bilateral agreements
  • Erasmus+ agreements
  • international educational projects
  • student admission

Contact details:

Uniwersytecka 3
90-137 Łódź

E (general): bwz@uni.lodz.pl

E (for mobility students): iso@uni.lodz.pl

E (for degree-seeking candidates): admission@uni.lodz.pl

Doktora Stefana Kopcińskiego 16/18
90-232 Łódź

Floors: 9 and 10

E: ci@uni.lodz.pl   

Narutowicza 68
90-136 Łódź

Room: 203

E: audytor@uni.lodz.pl

Uniwersytecka 3
90-136 Łódź

E: dkwia@uni.lodz.pl

Narutowicza 68
90-136 Łódź

Rooms: 306, 307, 315

P: 42-635-41-60
E: drz@uni.lodz.pl

Jana Matejki 38
90-145 Łódź

E: bhp@uni.lodz.pl

Pomorska 149/153
90-236 Łódź

Pokoje: B 223, B 222

P: 42-635-60-68
E: regopat@uni.lodz.pl
WWW: https://www.regopat.uni.lodz.pl/en/

Narutowicza 68
90-136 Łódź

Room: 1

E: dp@uni.lodz.pl

Narutowicza 6
890-136 Łódź

Rooms: 6, 8

E: przetargi@uni.lodz.pl

Uniwersytecka 3
90-136 Łódź

Rooms: 303-305

E: rekrutacja@uni.lodz.pl

Uniwersytecka 3
90-137 Łódź 

Rooms: 101-105, 109, 110, 405, 409

E: cn@uni.lodz.pl   


Patrice Lumumba 1
91-613 Łódź

E: cos@uni.lodz.pl

Narutowicza 68
90-136 Łódź

Room: 11

E: dss@uni.lodz.pl

Pomorska 152,
91-404 Łódź


42-665 51 65, 42-235 01 81

e-mail: cwid@uni.lodz.pl

Support and Accessibility Centre of the University of Lodz

Narutowicza 68
90-136 Łódź

Rooms: 205, 206, 209, 210

E: zrp@uni.lodz.pl

ul. Narutowicza 68 
90-131 Łódź

Rooms: 211 and 212 

P: +48 42 635 41 76  | +48 42 635 41 67 
E: wspolpraca@uni.lodz.pl 

ul. Lindleya  5a 
90-131 Łódź 

Rooms: 41;42;43 
P: +48 606 934 834 
P: +48 42 635 49 87 
P: +48 42 635 49 86 
P: +48 42 635 49 88 

E: ctt@uni.lodz.pl 
www: www.ctt.uni.lodz.pl