UŁ partnerem akademickim Europejskiego Kongresu Finansowego

University of Lodz was an academic partner of the 13th edition of the European Financial Congress. The event included over 70 debates, during which opinions of experts, representatives of authorities, business and science were presented. It was a time of inspiring and substantive discussions, as well as the exchange of experiences and opinions.

Debates and speeches – new world order, financial sector, new technologies in finance

Throughout the three days of the congress, many topics were discussed as part of debates and speeches, including: the new world order in the world, in Europe and in Poland, the new order in the financial sector and new financial technologies. This year's EFC was attended by over 1,700 people.

Based on the opinions of the European Financial Congress experts, the study "Makroekonomiczne wyzwania i prognozy dla Polski" [Macroeconomic challenges and forecasts for Poland] was elaborated. The forecasts contained in the publication constitute a quantitative and qualitative consensus based on the answers provided by eminent Polish economists cooperating with the European Financial Congress.

Prominent guests from the world of science and finance

The special guests of the 13th European Financial Congress included Prof. Timothy Snyder from Yale University, Prof. Charles Goodhart from the London School of Economics and Verena Ross, Chair of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA).

Prof. Charles Goodhart, CBE, FBA is Emeritus Professor of Banking and Finance with the Financial Markets Group at the London School of Economics. His career alternated between academic work (Cambridge, 1963-65; LSE, 1967/68; again from 1985 until now) and work in the public sector, mainly at the Bank of England (Department of Economic Affairs, 1965/66; Bank of England, 1968-85; the Monetary Policy Committee, 1997-2000). Throughout his career, he worked as a specialist in economics, focusing on monetary policy and financial regulation issues, both as a research fellow and at the Bank of England. He says he has written more books and articles on financial stability and regulation in the last 50 or 60 years than any sane person would like to read. He is best known as the creator of Goodhart's Law which states, "When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure". At the 13th EKF, he gave a short lecture and received the "EFC award for an economic visionary".

Prof. Charles Goodhart jest Norman Sosnow Professor Emeritus na London School of Economics. Jego kariera obejmowała na przemian pracę akademicką (Cambridge, 1963-65; LSE, 1967/68; ponownie od 1985 do dziś) i pracę w sektorze publicznym, głównie w Bank of England (Department of Economic Affairs, 1965 / 66; Bank of England, 1968-85; Komitet Polityki Pieniężnej, 1997-2000). Przez cały czas pracował jako specjalista w dziedzinie ekonomii, koncentrując się na kwestiach polityki pieniężnej i regulacjach finansowych, zarówno jako pracownik naukowy, jak i w Bank of England. Jak mówi napisał więcej książek i artykułów na tematy stabilności finansowej i regulacji w ciągu ostatnich 50 lub 60 lat, niż ktokolwiek rozsądny chciałby przeczytać. Jest on najbardziej znany jako twórca prawa Goodharta, które stwierdza: „Kiedy środek staje się celem, przestaje być dobrym środkiem”. Na XIII EKF otrzymał „Nagrodę EKF dla wizjonera ekonomicznego” i wygłosił krótki wykład.

Verena Ross is the Chair of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). She took up the role on 1 November 2021. Between 2011 and 2021 Verena Ross served as ESMA’s first Executive Director, when she was responsible for building up the organisation and overseeing its day to day running. Prior to this, Verena held a number of senior posts in the UK's Financial Services Authority (FSA) and was a member of the FSA's Executive Committee. 

More information on the website of EFC congress

Photo report of the event

„Makroekonomiczne wyzwania i prognozy dla Polski" [Macroeconomic challenges and forecasts for Poland]

Source: European Financial Congress

Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz

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