The cooperation is to focus on learning mobility within short- and long-term projects. Chinese students will be able to participate in summer schools organized by the University of Lodz. They will also have a chance to come for a semester exchange or even start studies at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology under the 2+2 project. In turn, lecturers will have an opportunity to conduct classes at partner universities in China.
Professor Rafał Matera, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, has underlined that tolerance and openness are the most important in this cooperation.
– We treat contacts with Chinese universities as a truly interesting experience in getting to know a different attitude towards many contemporary phenomena. We also give students from that region a chance to open to European perspective.
The Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz has been actively cooperating with universities from China for almost 10 years by enaging in projects that allow students from China to come and study at UL. More than 130 students have already studied at the university of Lodz under the 2+2 and 1+3 projects, which after graduation guarantee diplomas of two universities. Home universities of those students were the three mentioned above universities and the largest partner of UL in China - Zhengzhou University.
University of Lodz is one of the biggest universities in Poland. Its mission is to educate top-class scientists and specialists in numerous fields of humanities, social sciences, natural and exact sciences as well as health sciences. UniLodz cooperates with business, both at the staff level by providing qualified employees as well as at the scientific level, by offering its know-how to enterprises from various areas of economy. University of Lodz is an academic institution open to the world – the number of its international students is constantly growing, while its Polish students, thanks to Exchange programmes, get to know Europe, Asia and travel overseas. The University is a part of Lodz, it operates for and with the community of Lodz by getting involved in many socio-cultural projects.
Source: Faculty of Economics and Sociology, UL
Edit: Promotion Centre, UL