Naukowcy UŁ wśród Kreatywnych w rankingu magazynu Brief

Dr Tomasz Ciesielski and Dr Błażej Filanowski from the University of Lodz are among those distinguished in the ranking of 50 Most Creative People in Business created by Brief magazine.

Dr Tomasz Ciesielski is the Head of the Center for Technology Transfer at the University of Lodz and an Assistant at the Department of Journalism and Social Communication at the Faculty of Philology, University of Lodz. Dr Blażej Filanowski is also employed as an assistant in the Department of Journalism and Social Communication at the University of Lodz Faculty of Philology.

They are both working on the development of the Perebel method – an effective solution of organisational problems using non-obvious and performative tools of artists-rebels. The method has been created as a result of reflection of both scientists on the methods of designing and conducting research in business and performing arts. As a result, they want to create a good basis for cooperation between practitioners from the creative environment and scientists and entrepreneurs so as to change everyday life.

This year's edition of the Brief magazine's 50 Most Creative People in Business ranking received 127 business projects. The final gala was held on 30 October of the current year. It was the culmination of the activities and work of the Jury, which lasted for a year. This year, the Jury evaluating the projects consisted of almost 50 people including Dr Irena Eris, Solange Olszewska, Martyna Zastawna, Rector of the Kozminski University – Grzegorz Mazurek and many others. Aga Sołtysiak, the co-owner of the MAMY TO event agency, was the Chairwoman of the Jury. By decision of the Jury, places from 1 to 10 were awarded in accordance with the results of the vote, and distinctions were given to those in places 11-50 - ex aequo.

Full ranking of the Brief magazine

Source: Brief
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz
Photos: Brief and archives