Szkoły Doktorskie UŁ: rekrutacja krok po kroku

The scientific adventure does not have to end along with defence of the Masters’s thesis. The University of Lodz Doctoral Schools open their doors to avid researchers, tireless discoverers and brave innovators. It is already on 16 August that the electronic recruitment begins. Below we present the rules, dates and links to the useful materials.


Stages of the recruitment 

1. Get familiar with detailed rules of recruitment. The list of required documents and the dates of recruitment in a selected Doctoral School:  

  • Doctoral School of Humanities – registration: 23–27.08; interview: 27–30.09 or 17.09 (for the candidates whose scholarship is funded from external funds)  
  • Doctoral School of Social Sciences  – registration: 16–27.08; interview: 24–30.09 or 17–18.09 (for the candidates whose scholarship is funded from external funds)  
  • Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences – registration: 30.08–3.09; interview: 28–30.09 or 17.09 (for the candidates whose scholarship is funded from external funds)  
  • BioMedChem Doctoral School – registration: 30.08–3.09; interview: 28–30.09 or 17.09 (for the candidates whose scholarship is funded from external funds)  


We would like to remind you that even though the recruitment itself takes place in the electronic form, all the required documents should be sent by post and/or in the form of legible scans. Detailed information on the mode of sending the documents can be found on the admission websites of individual Schools in stage 4. 


2. Specify the topic of your doctoral dissertation and select a thesis supervisor (researcher at the University of Lodz). Prepare under his supervision a concept of your doctoral dissertation, which is one of the documents that are required during the recruitment procedure. If you have obtained the supervisor's consent to be under their care, submit a statement. If you have not received such consent, submit an application for appointment of the selected person as the supervisor of your doctoral dissertation.  

3. Register in the electronic recruitment system. Electronic recruitment is possible from  16.08.2021 to 27.08.2021 (in accordance with the schedule of the selected Doctoral School).  

4. Gather and deliver all the required documents. Relevant templates can be found on the websites of individual Doctoral Schools (see: stage 1). Register for the English test that will take place on 13 September.  

5. Register for the interview.  



Below we attach a leaflet with the offer for you prepared by the UL Doctoral Schools. Good luck! 

Doctoral Schools of the UL - recruitment leaflet


Source: Service Centre for Students and PhD Candidates