Sukces zespołu WFiIS UŁ - publikacja w renomowanym czasopiśmie

A team of scientists from the Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics of the University of Lodz has achieved another significant scientific success! An article devoted to the construction of an innovative non-contact microwave sensor for 3D printing quality control and measurements using it, has been published in the renowned journal "Virtual and Physical Prototyping".

The work was published in a journal devoted to the broad subject of prototyping, from home methods to specialised laboratory technologies, and is proof of the significant contribution of our team of researchers to the development of this field. The high Impact Factor of the journal (IF 10.6, ministerial list 140) additionally emphasizes its prestige and increases the probability of reaching the research of our scientists to a wide group of 3D printer users and people interested in detecting material defects.

The article is the result of cooperation between scientists: mgr. inż. Maciej Ślot, Prof. Dr hab. Ilona Zasada, students: Maksymilian Bartosik, Kamila Samolej and our graduate Piotr Drabik.

The publication opens new perspectives in the field of 3D printing quality control, contributing to the further development of the field.

We would like to offer congratulations to our scientists and students on this significant achievement!

Full text of the article