Studia... i co dalej? Weź udział w badaniu ankietowym do 15.11!

We encourage all students from the University of Lodz, including doctoral students, to take part in a survey about their post-graduation plans. The survey is a part of the "Harnessing Talent Platform" project. The project focuses on supporting talents in selected regions of the European Union, including the Lodz Voivodeship. The Marshal's Office of the Lodz Voivodeship and universities, including the University of Lodz, are involved in its implementation.

The aim of the study is to better understand young people’s post-graduation plans. It will help us find out:

  • what your plans after completing your education are,
  • what influences your decisions about the future,
  • what the regional authorities can do to make the Lodz Voivodeship more attractive to young people.

The answers will help us better understand the needs and aspirations of young people in our region.

The implementation of the survey is coordinated by the Centre for External Relations, University of Lodz.

The survey link is active until 15 November 2024. Completing it should take no more than 7-9 minutes.

The survey is addressed to people in BA, MA and uniform master's studies, as well as for doctoral students. It is also intended for people from abroad, excluding the ERASMUS programme participants. The data is anonymous and will be used only for statistical purposes.

Source: Centre for External Relations, University of Lodz; IDEA Rozwoju Foundation; IDEA Rozwoju Foundation
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz