Stanisław Roszczyk członkiem Zespołu do spraw partycypacji dzieci i młodzieży w Polsce przy RPD

Stanisław Roszczyk, a second-year student of the additional MA studies in Spatial Management at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz, has been appointed by the Ombudsman for Children – Monika Horna-Cieślak – as a member of the Team for Child and Adolescent Participation in Poland.

Photo: Dr Bartosz Kałużny / Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz

The aim of the newly established Team is to develop a national strategy for activities that strengthen the participation of children and adolescents in Poland. The list of tasks that the Team sets itself is long and includes, inter alia, the following tasks:

  • Analysis of national and international law on the participation of children and adolescents in the context of existing regulations, legal gaps and recommendations for legislative changes;
  • Development of solutions ensuring the protection of the child's well-being and safe participation of young people in the participation process;
  • Undertaking and promoting activities aimed at developing and supporting participation in various areas of life at the national, regional and local levels.

The preparation and development of informational and educational materials addressed to various target groups: children, adolescents, parents, people working with children and other adults involved in decision-making processes concerning young people will be yet another result of the Team’s work.

Stanisław Roszczyk combines his experience with research work and social activity. Previously, he held the position of a member of the Youth City Council in Lodz and the Marshal of the Youth Parliament of the Republic of Poland. He is the author of the BA thesis "Młodzieżowa rada jako podmiot partycypacji społecznej. Przykład Łodzi" [Youth council as an entity of social participation. The example of Lodz]. Currently, he conducts promotional and educational activities and studies according to an Individual Study Plan in the field of Spatial Management under the scientific supervision of Dr Agnieszka Rzeńca.

Source: Stanisław Roszczyk & Dr Agnieszka Rzeńca
Edit: Dr Jakub Zasina