Sensacyjne odkrycie studentów na Chojnach! Zaginiona rzeźba Prockiego odnaleziona!

Students from the Institute of History of Art at the University of Lodz (Julia Sokołowska and Piotr Konopka) have discovered a long-lost sculpture by the famous twentieth-century artist Adam Procki entitled "Apotheosis" from 1975.

As part of the work on the project "Odkrywamy Chojny nieznane" [Discovering Unknown Chojny] in the vicinity of the larch manor house, at the campsite in the Stawy Jana Park, students came across an unknown sculpture. The identification of the work was assisted by a doctoral student of the University of Lodz Doctoral School of Humanities, Maria Nowakowska (Maria od detalu - otwarty okiem Maria Nowakowska), creator of the blog "Łódzkie rzeźby" [Sculptures from Lodz].

View of the Lodz Sculpture Gallery

"Apotheosis" was exhibited in the 1970s at the open-air Lodz Sculpture Gallery (currently Rubinstein Passage) and then disappeared without a trace. The project "Odkrywamy Chojny nieznane" is run by the Urban Forms Foundation in cooperation with researchers from the University of lodz Institute of History of Art. and the University of Lodz Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology.

the sculpture

Odkrycie „Apoteozy" to nie tylko sukces studentów, ale także dowód na to, że nawet w miejscach, które wydają się dobrze znane, wciąż czekają na nas niespodzianki.

Congratulations and we look forward to further discoveries!


Source and photos: Institute of History of Art., University of Lodz