Naukowcy z Katedry Zarządzania Zasobami Ludzkimi na stażu naukowym w Zagrzebiu

The research team from the Department of Human Resources Management, Faculty of Management, University of Lodz, took part in a research internship at the University of Zagreb (Croatia) – the oldest university in this part of Europe – on 2-7 November 2024. The Department of Organization and Management of the Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb was the host institution for our researchers.

The internship was an opportunity to integrate employees of two units and exchange information on the state of research within key areas of human resources management in Poland and Croatia. The participants of the meeting shared their research experiences, talked about their current research projects and opportunities to join forces as part of international cooperation. Each participant of the integration meeting had the opportunity to present their own achievements, plans and research ideas.

During the scientific seminar organised by the host institution, the team from Department of Human Resources Management, Faculty of Management, University of Lodz presented assumptions of the "Generation Alpha/(Z)Alpha: Expectations and experiences from professional life" project and the results of research conducted in Poland. The seminar participants were particularly interested in the issues of neurodiversity, corporate sustainability and green human resources management, as well as work-life balance. The conclusions from the research conducted in Poland proved inspiring and engaging for the listeners. The possibilities of adapting the research tools designed by the team from Poland to Croatian conditions were discussed.

The meetings held as part of the internship showed that researchers struggle with similar difficulties in implementing research projects. However, the common scope of research on the issues of managing people and the integration of teams allowed for the generation of ideas and proposals for continuing research cooperation and developing lasting scientific relationships.

The cooperation of the Polish team with the Croatian team is possible thanks to the activities of the University of Lodz and the University of Zagreb in the UNIC Alliance. Dr Patrycja Mizera-Pęczek was the project manager, implemented within the programme "Short-Term Mobilities for Scientists to Partner Universities Associated with the UNIC Alliance" (Croatia). The research internship was attended by: Dr Patrycja Mizera-Pęczek, Dr hab. Katarzyna Wojtaszczyk, Associate Professor at the University of Lodz, Dr Izabela Różańska-Bińczyk, Dr Marzena Syper-Jędrzejak and Dr Paweł Łuczak.

Edit: Faculty of Management, University of Lodz