Badacze i badaczka Instytutu Socjologii UŁ w projektach z grantami MNiSW

We are pleased to announce that the Polish Sociological Association (PSA) Disability Sociology Section represented by lecturers from the Institute of Sociology of the University of Lodz: Prof. Jakub Niedbalski, Dr Joanna Sztobryn-Giercuszkiewicz and Dr Zbigniew Głąb, in cooperation with the Polskie Towarzystwo Zespołu Aspergera (Polish Asperger Syndrome Association), has received financial support under two competitions of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Thanks to the funding obtained under the Excellent Science II programme – Support for scientific monographs for the “Niepełnosprawność i praca” [Disability and work] project (MONOG/SN/0171/2024/02), a scientific monograph devoted to the issues of work of people with disabilities will be published.

The monograph will address issues relating to various forms of activism and mobilisation of people with disabilities in relation to broadly understood work, including remote work, the digitalisation of work, but also the issues of precarity and inequality at work and unpaid work, including care work, seen in the context of the conditions of the (post)pandemic reality. The monograph will be published by the Lodz University Press. 

cover of the “Niepełnosprawność i praca” [Disability and work] monograph
Whereas, as part of the "Niepełnosprawność – to warto wiedzieć" [Disability – this is what you should now] project (POPUL/SN/0472/2024/02), which received a grant in the Social Responsibility of Science II programme – module: Popularisation of science in the years 2025-2026, a series of 15 open online popular science seminars will be organised on research relating to various aspects of disability.

In both cases, significant emphasis was placed on the application dimension. The projects are addressed to both academics and practitioners, especially those employed in social welfare units, aid institutions, as well as non-governmental and governmental organisations, whose one of the main areas of activity is diagnosing the situation of people with disabilities and designing changes aimed at activating representatives of this environment. 

Disability Sociology Section of the Polish Sociological Association (PSA).

Prof. Jakub Niedbalski is a sociologist, Associate Professor at the University of Lodz, a researcher and a lecturer employed at the Department of the Sociology of Organization and Management at the Institute of Sociology, University of Lodz. He specialises in issues related to the sociology of disability, qualitative sociology and computer analysis of qualitative data. Prof. Jakub Niedbalski conducts research on the activation of people with disabilities, including the socio-cultural, structural, political, legal and economic situation of this category of people and their families. He also conducts studies on entities and institutions supporting people with disabilities.

Dr Joanna Sztorbyn-Giercuszkiewicz is a psychologist, a Doctor of Social Sciences in the field of sociology. She works at the Department of Applied Sociology and Social Work of the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz. As a practitioner, she has been involved in educational support for students with disabilities for over 15 years, which is also reflected in her research interests, focusing on disability management processes in higher education, inclusive academic education, and the accessibility of higher education institutions for people with special needs. She is a member of the Equal Educational Opportunity Commission at KRASP and Vice-President of the Disability Sociology Section of the Polish Sociological Association (PSA).

Dr Zbigniew Głąb is a Doctor of Humanities, University of Lodz. He is a historian and a sociologist. Dr Zbigniew Głąb is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Applied Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Economics and Sociology; Head of the Centre of Disability and Accessibility Studies. He specialises in sociological aspects of social policy towards people with disabilities, with particular emphasis on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the concept of independent living. His research interests include deinstitutionalisation of support for people with disabilities (in particular housing and personal assistance). For many years he has been active in non-governmental organisations supporting the disabled people's emancipation.