Reprezentacja Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego na Targach EAIE 2024 w Tuluzie

The 2024 European Association for International Education Conference and Exhibition in Toulouse, France began on 17 September of the current year. This year's, 35th edition of the event is held under the slogan "En Route!", or "On the road!". Reflections on ways of exploring the possibilities of new digital technologies and introducing innovative methods of supporting academic environments constitute the leading theme of the event. The EAIE Toulouse 2024 participants include representatives of the International Relations Office of the University of Lodz and the International Hub of the University of Lodz.

The opening session of the event was led by Élisabeth Moreno, former French Minister, Chairwoman of Ring Capital, where she supports influential entrepreneurs, and President of the Femmes@Numerique Foundation. During her speech, she emphasized the importance of education and access to it, but also how much its deficiency affects the global immigration situation and equal rights.

On the second day of the conference, an exhibition of stands of over 900 institutions from all over the world was opened. The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) and the Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE) were the organisers of the Polish stand. The official speech was delivered by Dr hab. Andrzej Szeptycki, Associate Professor at the University of Warsaw, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, during which he emphasized Poland's constant efforts in the field of work on the internationalisation of higher education and science. Then Dr Bartłomiej Nowak, Chairman of the NAWA Council, thanked the Agency for its enormous contribution to the promotion of Poland abroad, and Mirosław Marczewski, Director General of FRSE, emphasized the importance of cooperation within the country in order to develop common solutions in the education sector.

The presentation of the poster “Strategic internationalisation for the future – a vision for Polish higher education” and the speech of Dr hab. Andrzej Szeptycki during the session “The politics and policies of internationalisation: ministers’ view” were the Polish contribution to the event. The speech confirmed the key role of national bodies, where strategies, financing instruments, legal frameworks and other mechanisms can provide significant support for the internationalisation of universities. However, as Professor Szeptycki emphasised, it is important to implement activities and procedures related to internationalisation, which should result directly from understanding of the culture or “localness” of the country with which cooperation is planned, including through local visits.

EAIE (European Association for International Education) is an association of specialists in the field of internationalisation of higher education from all over the world. The conferences present a rich programme, consisting of various sessions, networking meetings, workshops and poster sessions. Their topics include sustainable development, involvement in the European Universities initiative, support for international students, strategic management of the university and many others.

At this year’s EAIE Conference and Exhibition, the University of Lodz is represented by: Weronika Ćmielewska (International Relations Office), Katarzyna Brzozowska-Kołat (International Relations Office), Katarzyna Pardyka (International Hub) and Dorota Kudlicka (International Hub)

Source: Katarzyna Pardyka, Dorota Kudlicka (International Hub, University of Lodz) 
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz