Start rejestracji na zajęcia ogólnouczelniane w semestrze zimowym 2023/24

Registration for the university-wide courses in the winter semester 2023/2024 starts on 27 September. It will run until 12 October 2023 via the UsosWeb system (registration code: 00-POGOLNOUCZ-Z23/24).

The university-wide courses are obligatory only for those students whose study curricula include them – then the courses are free of charge. Polish Film Academy is an exception, i.e. fees for the courses organised by the Polish National Film Archive in cooperation with the Museum of Cinematography in Lodz are paid for all students.

Other students can additionally expand their timetable to include the selected university-wide courses. Pursuant to paragraph 48 of the Rules of Study at the University of Lodz of 14 June 2019, for the university-wide courses conducted outside the study curriculum, students must pay fees in the amount specified in the Regulation of the University of Lodz Rector on the amount of fees for educational services at the University of Lodz in the academic year 2023/2024 (attachment No. 14) as amended.
In such a case, you must submit an application to the Dean’s Office of your home faculty for consent to participate in the selected university-wide courses (the application is available on the University of Lodz website in the Student Zone).

Please note that registering for a course in the UsosWeb system (this also applies to the Polish Film Academy) makes a given course compulsory for the student and its completion is required to get a credit for the semester.

Any changes to the lists may be made no later than 25 October this year. After this date, in order to withdraw from a course included in the pool of the university-wide courses, you must obtain the consent of the Dean of relevant faculty.

After completing online registration, participants of the university-wide courses should immediately report to the courses coordinators at their faculties to complete the formalities.

The list of coordinators and the full offer of courses for the winter semester 2023/24 can be found on the university's website in the Student Zone.

Doctoral students

Doctoral students who wish to take part in a specific university-wide course do not participate in the electronic registration. Instead, they should report their willingness to participate in the course to the course instructor and to the faculty coordinator of the course.
Doctoral students can join university-wide courses free of charge. The fee for the Polish Film Academy is the same as in the case of students. 

Polish Film Academy

The fee for the Polish Film Academy in the amount of PLN 150 per semester is collected by the organiser of the course.
During the weekly classes you can take part in several dozen film screenings and lectures by eminent film studies experts from all over Poland and author’s meetings with artists.
Schedule of the meetings in the winter semester 2023/2024 will be available on the website of the project.
Participation in the courses is possible only after purchasing a pass at the box office of Kinematograf cinema or online in the sales system of the Museum of Cinematography. The number of places is limited.

Information about the university-wide courses currently offered by the university is available on the website of the University of Lodz in the Student Zone.

Source: Recruitment and Didactic Excellence Centre, University of Lodz
Edit and photo: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz