Rektor UŁ z wizytą w Parlamencie Europejskim w Brukseli

Rector of the University of Lodz, Prof. dr hab. Rafał Matera, together with the Rectors of the Lodz University of Technology and the Medical University, are in Brussels at the European Parliament. The visit of the three Rectors of the largest public universities in Lodz focuses, among other things, on demographic issues and their impact on the situation of higher education in Poland.

Prof. Rafał Matera has already participated in the debate "The role of cohesion policy in the context of demographic challenges", during which the guests were presented with the common position of the European regions facing demographic challenges. He also met with the Managing Director of Business & Science Poland and the Director of the NCBR Office in Brussels.

Then, the University of Lodz Rector took part in a meeting at the Lodzkie House and in a debate entitled "The State and Future of Higher Education in the Context of Demographic Changes". The Rectors of Lodz universities also met with Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament.

Source: European Parliament
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz
Photos: Private archive