Premiera III tomu monografii – „Łódź poprzez wieki. Historia miasta”

The ceremonial premiere of the third volume of the monograph dedicated to Lodz was held on Thursday (20 June 2024) in the old part of the University of Lodz Library building. The event gathered a group of scientists, lovers of the history of Lodz and representatives of the authorities.

Prof. Maciej Kokoszko, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Lodz
Dr Andrzej Kompa, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Lodz
Prof. Jarosław Kita
Prof. Kita, Dr Stawiszyńska, Dr Szymański and Dr Sitarek

"Łódź poprzez wieki. Historia miasta" [Lodz Through the Ages. History of the City] is a five-volume monograph created in cooperation between the University of Lodz and the City of Lodz Office on the occasion of the 600th anniversary of the city. Over a hundred people have worked on it, including mainly employees of the University of Lodz.

The latest, i.e. the third part of the series is devoted to the history of Lodz in the years 1914-1945. The editor of the volume was Prof. Przemysław Waingertner, to whom the premiere edition was dedicated and who was recalled during the ceremony.

Contribution of Prof. Waingertner who was an author, an editor, a teacher and our friend, remains invaluable

– underlined Prof. Jarosław Kita, a historian at the University of Lodz and the scientific editor of the entire series.

Lodz and its multiculturalism

The presented volume shows the city in the turbulent period of World War I, the interwar period and World War II. The authors present the everyday life of residents struggling with the war, crises and socio-political changes. They pay particular attention to the multicultural nature of Lodz, which at that time was home to Poles, Jews, Germans and representatives of other nationalities. The monograph, which is richly illustrated with photos, maps and documents, is a valuable source of knowledge about the history of Lodz. This is a must-have publication for all those interested in the history of the city and its inhabitants.

Discussion around the history of Lodz and memory of Prof. Przemysław Waingertner

The authors of the book who participated in the conversation about the newly published part included: Dr Aneta Stawiszyńska, who is a historian, a regionalist, a specialist in the history of World War I in Lodz; Dr Adam Sitarek, who is a historian, the Head of the Centre for Jewish Studies and Dr Marcin Szymański – a historian, a museologist and populariser of historical knowledge. The panellists discussed the most important topics of the publication, answered questions from the large audience and shared their reflections on the history of Lodz.

The premiere of the next, i.e. the 4th volume of the monograph on Lodz is planned for19 July 2024. The textile city from post-war times to the present day will be its main topic. This time the meeting will be held at the Museum of the City of Lodz (The Izrael Poznański Palace). The monograph "Lodz Through the Ages. History of the City" can be purchased in the bookstore of the Lodz University Press.

The photos were taken by Mateusz Kowalski.

"Łódź poprzez wieki". A Monograph Written in Tribute to the City and to the People of Lodz

Lodz that Became the "Promised Land" – Premiere of the 2nd Volume of the Monograph