Zwycięski projekt prof. Anny Cichosz w konkursie OPUS

The project entitled "History of English phraseology", managed by Prof. Anna Cichosz from the Department of Corpus and Computational Linguistics, has obtained funding from the National Science Centre as part of OPUS competition.

portret prof. Anny Cichosz

The aim of the project is to analyse changes in English phraseology from the earliest period of the language's existence, the so-called Old English (5th-11th centuries) until the beginning of the 20th century. Phraseological research is currently becoming more and more popular thanks to the availability of large electronic language collections (so-called corpora), the analysis of which allows us to conclude that native speakers of all languages regularly use various types of phraseological units, and the scale of this phenomenon is unexpectedly large.

The project is to comprehensively analyse the development of English phraseology, and the starting point for the study is the Old English period documented in the form of texts created from the 9th to the 11th century. As part of the project, a research team from the Department of Corpus and Computational Linguistics will develop online collocation dictionaries for all periods of the development of English, along with a function enabling tracking of the selected collocation over time. This is an innovative solution on a global scale, and the scientific community of historical linguists is eagerly awaiting the results of the project

– underlines Dr hab. Anna Cichosz, Associate Professor at the University of Lodz.

The project implementation period is 48 months and the budget is PLN 1,067,500.
