E-zasoby BUŁ - poznaj bazy EBSCO

EBSCO offers free access to bibliographic and full-text databases to the University of Lodz community.

The EBSCO Core Package includes 16 comprehensive scientific databases and EBSCO Open Dissertations. The Academic Search Ultimate and Business Source Ultimate databases, which are included in the package, are one of the most frequently used scientific resources by the leading academic centres in the world. 

The databases in this collection consist of journals published by the world's most important publishers and included in the subject and citation indices. They are available on the platform with a Polish interface. Thanks to the platform's innovative solutions, you can print, save articles on your own computers, download ready-made bibliographic descriptions in several formats, save search results on an individual My EBSCOhost account, listen to or translate the content of articles. The databases can be used remotely from home computers and private mobile devices.    

We recommend the following EBSCO databases from the Core Package:

Academic Search Ultimate – the world's most comprehensive multidisciplinary database of the world's most valuable peer-reviewed full-text journals in the field of social sciences and humanities as well as natural sciences, technology, engineering and more. The database contains "Ahead of Print" resources for selected titles from the key publishers.

Business Source Ultimate – the most extensive available full-text database in the field of economic sciences and business, which allows you to track global trends and current business topics. It also includes case studies, economic reports, country reports, SWOT analyses, company profiles, interviews with experienced entrepreneurs and analysts, which bring students closer to the tasks they will face in the future.
Regional Business News, which contains full texts of regional American publications in the field of business, is an extra part of the Business Source Ultimate database. The database includes newspapers, transcripts of radio and television news, industry publications and press reports. 

MasterFILE Premier – a multi-field database containing full-text journals on general, social, business, health care, education and multicultural issues. The database collects full-text monographs and encyclopaedic publications, source documents and collections of photos, maps and flags. It also contains an archive of such prestigious publications as: American Libraries, Foreign Affairs, History Today, Judaism, Library Journal, National Review, Natural History and Science News since 1975, in the PDF format. The MasterFILE Premier Basic Package also includes the MasterFILE Reference eBook Subscription. 

Newspaper Source – a full-text database offering access to American and international newspapers in English. It includes full texts, including those from: The Times, The Sunday Times, Daily Mail, Bucharest Daily News, Budapest Sun, Slovak Spectator, Toronto Star, Bangkok Post, The Australian, The Economic Times and many American newspapers, such as: The Washington Post, USA Today, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, Daily News (New York) and other US regional newspapers. In addition, it contains transcripts of messages broadcast by American radio and television channels: CBS News, CNN, CNN International, FOX News, NPR and others. 

ERIC – Education Resource Information Center – a database published by the Educational Information Center at the US Department of Education, containing bibliographic descriptions and links to full-text documents in the field of schooling, education and social sciences with archives dating back to 1966, such as: Chronicle of Higher Education, Innovations in Education & Teaching International, School Planning & Management, British Journal of Educational Technology, Education Statistics Quarterly. 

EBSCO OpenDissertations – a database of over 1.4 million electronic dissertations and doctoral dissertations from over 320 universities around the world. 

Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition – the database contains full-text journals, including peer-reviewed journals, as well as abstracts and citations of medical science journals, in particular those in the field of nursing and health care.

Health Source: Consumer Edition – the database contains full texts of journals, monographs and brochures as well as Clinical Reference Systems reports in the field of health care, general medicine, sports medicine, nutrition, family health, child health, health problems such as: cancer, diabetes, alcohol addiction, drug addiction, ageing period.

AHFS Consumer Medication Information – the database contains descriptions of drugs that may be useful not only to the students of medicine, pharmacy, nursing and other fields related to health care. The database is prepared by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

Agricola – the database contains bibliographic data from the National Agricultural Library at the US Department of Agriculture. It contains bibliographic descriptions of journal articles, monographs, scientific papers, patents, software, audio-visual materials, reports, book chapters and source documents on various aspects of agricultural and related sciences.

MEDLINE – a medical database published by the United States National Library of Medicine. It contains indices and abstracts of scientific journals published in 60 languages in the field of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, health care and biomedical sciences. The archives in the database date back to 1809. The database uses a medical thesaurus (MeSH reference directory). It includes bibliographic descriptions from Index Medicus, International Nursing Index, Index to Dental Literature, HISTLINE, SPACELINE, PREMEDLINE®, AIDSLINE®, BIOETHICSLINE® and HealthSTAR®.

GreenFILE – the database contains information from extensive research on all aspects of human impact on the environment. It includes a collection of scientific, government and popular science publications on global climate change, environmentally friendly construction, environmental pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling and more. The database includes indices and abstracts as well as full text of articles from open access sources.

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts – the database contains indices and abstracts of key journals. It also indexes selected journal content. In addition, you will find there bibliographic descriptions and summaries of reports, monographs and conference materials in the field of library science, classification, cataloguing, bibliometrics, online information search, information management and many other topics. The archives in the database date back to 1960.

Teacher Reference Center – the database contains indices and abstracts from peer-reviewed journals. The topics of the database include assessment system, descriptions of best practices, recent pedagogical research, study curricula development, primary and higher education, lifetime learning, language teaching, literacy assessment standards, school administration, science and technology and teacher education.

European Views of the Americas (1493-1750) – a bibliographic database developed by EBSCO in cooperation with The John Carter Brown Library, based on the European Americana collection: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed in Europe Relating to the Americas, 1493-1750. It was created for people interested in accessing texts devoted to America and written by Europeans in the years 1493-1750. The database includes the history of European discoveries in America, descriptions of indigenous peoples, natural disasters, disease and slavery.

Access to the EBSCO databases is available via the website of the University of Lodz Library, the "E-resources" tab.

Logging in:  

Students of the University of Lodz – the same procedure as in the case of USOS 
Employees of the University of Lodz – the same procedure as in the case of the University of Lodz Employee Service 
Assistance in terms of the e-resource use: ezasoby@lib.uni.lodz.pl