Podwójny sukces mgr. Miłosza Gapsy z WPiA UŁ

A doctoral student associated with the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz has won a prestigious scholarship and a grant for research.

Mgr Miłosz Gapsa, who has been preparing a dissertation at the University of Lodz Doctoral School of Social Sciences, has won a PRELUDIUM grant for the implementation of a research project entitled "Efektywność środków tymczasowych w sporach międzypaństwowych" [Effectiveness of interim measures in inter-state disputes].

The aim of the study is to learn how international courts choose the form of the interim measure in inter-state disputes: does it result more from the facts, the party's request or previous case law? The form of the interim measure, along with the fact of whether it is granted or not, is the most important element of the decision, but the courts (almost never) justify it (or do it enigmatically)

– says mgr Miłosz Gapsa.

However, this is not the end of success. Mgr Miłosz Gapsa has also won a Corbridge Trust scholarship at the University of Cambridge, where he will complete an internship from 31 July to 13 September 2024

Mgr Gapsa has been preparing his doctoral dissertation under the watchful eye of Dr hab. Marcin Górski, Associate Professor at the University of Lodz – Head of the Department of European Constitutional Law.