Archiwalne zdjęcia Biblioteki UŁ od emerytowanego pracownika

The University of Lodz Library has acquired another batch of archival photographs of the library building from the 1960s. They were donated by Janisław Baranowski, a retired employee of the library.

Jarosław Baranowski, who at that time was employed, among other things, as a photographer, for ten years provided very meticulous documentation of the University of Lodz Library, which has survived to this day in albums, on contact sheets, negatives and prints.

Six of his photographs, selected by the library staff, will hang (in the format 50x70 cm) in the new student zone in the library. It will also be an opportunity to meet the author himself, reminisce about and feel the atmosphere of those old days.

While promoting the research library, we place great emphasis on history, on remembering how things used to be. We treat archival photos as real gems that tell you how important this place and the people who made this history are

– says Beata Gamrowska, the University of Lodz Library promotion Coordinator, who has established contact with the author of the archival photos 

Archival photo of the University of Lodz Library building. Frame which was taken from the window of the staircase of the block at Narutowicza Street in Lodz,
author of the archival photo: Janisław Baranowski, 1969 

Janisław Baranowski spent the last years of his professional career associated with the Film School in Lodz. The exhibition of his photographs can be viewed at the Lutnia Culture Centre at Łanowa 17 in Lodz until the end of August.

Source: The University of Lodz Library
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz