Dodatkowa wypłata świadczeń stypendialnych w lipcu 2024 – komunikat

The University of Lodz Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Education – Dr hab. Robert Zakrzewski, Associate Professor at the University of Lodz announces changes to the Scholarship Benefits Regulations to enable payment of benefits in July 2024.



The Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Education issued the following announcement on 24 May 2024:

Pursuant to Article 92(1) of the Law on Higher Education and Science and the status of the Scholarship Benefits Fund in 2024, I would like to inform you that relevant amendments will be made to the Scholarship Benefits Regulations introduced by the Regulation of the Rector of the University of Lodz No. 160 of 13 September 2023, as amended, enabling the payment of benefits in July 2024.

The payment will be made on 26 July 2024.

Dr hab. Robert Zakrzewski, Associate Professor
The University of Lodz Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Education 


Source: Social Affairs Centre for Students and Doctoral Students, University of Lodz
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz