Dr Izabela Stachowicz's adventure with Venezuela began 14 years ago with typical research trips, during which she was fascinated by the fauna of this exotic South American country, which has been struggling with a powerful crisis for years.
During her expeditions, Dr Stachowicz reached remote corners of Venezuela, where, apart from conducting research, she came into contact with the everyday, very poor life of local communities, including women whose financial situation is very difficult.
That is when the idea of publicising the activity and supporting the cooperative of women who started producing chocolate came about.
The TV report on the research and social activities of the scientist from the University of Lodz is available on the Internet: "Wenezuela pachnąca czekoladą" [Chocolate Smelling Venezuela]. Sylwia Ciźla from TVN is the author of the material.
Edit: Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz