PROM – short-term academic exchange programme finances short mobilities for doctoral students and academic employees from Poland and abroad.
The aim of the project is to create an international network for the exchange of ideas, knowledge, experience and good research and organisational practices.
The total cost of the PROM project at the University of Lodz is PLN 1 998 395.
The University of Lodz has received funding under the PROM programme for short-term (10, 15 or 30 days) mobilities abroad for:
- doctoral students at the UL doctoral schools,
- UL employees (teaching, scientific and administrative),
- UL employees,
- international doctoral students,
- employees (teaching, scientific and administrative) from foreign universities.
Mobility activities financed from the project budget include:
- active participation in a scientific conference,
- research queries,
- participation in short forms of education, i.e. courses, workshops, professional internships, study visits, summer schools,
- participation in training courses (including training on entrepreneurship or implementation activities),
- teaching classes,
- preparation of an international grant application.
Expected results of Project:
- increased international visibility of the UL doctoral schools in the teaching market,
- integration of the UL doctoral schools in the international environment,
- increase in the number of doctoral dissertations written in English,
- increase in the number of international publications,
- establishing cooperation with foreign scientific and research centres,
- increase in the number of foreign scientists included in the educational process at the UL.
PROM short-term academic exchange programme is financed by the European Union under the project titled “Short-term academic exchange as a way to improve the quality of education at higher education and science institutions” with the number FERS.01.05-IP.08-0218/23 (FERS Projects).