• NEWS
  • Rusza międzynarodowa grupa wsparcia dla osób z niepełnosprawnością ruchu lub/i trudnościami w poruszaniu się

Rusza międzynarodowa grupa wsparcia dla osób z niepełnosprawnością ruchu lub/i trudnościami w poruszaniu się

On the initiative of students, an international support group for people with movement disabilities and/or movement difficulties is being launched. The idea was born from the desire to share experiences in coping with difficulties resulting from movement limitations and to look for new solutions in this area. All this in order to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by life.

The purpose of the group meetings is to provide one another with support in coping with similar problems resulting from movement limitations. Talking with other people constitutes a chance to look at the emerging difficulties from a different perspective, to look for new ways of coping, to convince yourself that you are not alone, and to establish new relationships. Moreover, the group meetings are an opportunity to discover your own potential and to use it to achieve your goals and dreams.

The group will be run in English. No translation will be provided. The meetings will be held once every 14 days. A detailed schedule with the meeting place will be presented to those interested at a later date. If the sanitary-epidemiological situation allows, the meetings will take place in a stationary (on-site) mode. In case of restrictions there is a possibility of online meetings. We encourage you to sign up. You can do it until 20.12.2021 by writing an e-mail to: acw@uni.lodz.pl. If you decide to join the group later, you will also be able to do so.