The programme will allow for the arrival to Poland of both recognized and promising researchers from Ukraine holding at least a doctoral degree, who will strengthen the scientific potential of the University of Lodz, join the ongoing scientific activities, especially research projects and teaching.
Financing will be based on funds from the 2% increased subsidy for the University of Lodz for its participation in the Excellence Initiative - Research University competition. Currently, the rules of the programme are being elaborated. They should be completed by mid-March.
Since the beginning of the Russian Federation's attack on Ukraine, the University of Lodz has been organising various forms of support for its Ukrainian community. This is both material assistance (a special account, collection of things) as well as psychological help or free Polish language learning.
Several dozen families of Ukrainian students, who were forced to leave their homeland and came to Lodz after 24 February, are currently staying at the Lumumby student campus. They are being looked after by 300 volunteers who have registered with the Academic Support Centre of the University of Lodz.
The full offer of support from the University of Lodz can be found on the University of Lodz for Ukraine website. You can find there Polish, English and Ukrainian language versions.
Source: Science Centre of the University of Lodz
Edit: Promotion Centre of the University of Lodz