Uniwersytet Łódzki po raz pierwszy w szanghajskim rankingu GRAS

University of Lodz – next to the Medical University of Warsaw and Poznan University of Medical Sciences – is one of the three Polish universities that have been included in the Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS) in Shanghai for the first time this year. It is a ranking list appreciated in the academic world, which allows to indicate the strongest positions in the scientific offer of thousands of universities from all over the world.

The authors of GRAS, which is published annually by the Chinese agency ShanghaiRanking Consultancy, have appreciated the achievements of the University of Lodz researchers in the field of geography. The latest ranking list, GRAS 2022, announced on 19 July, includes a total of 25 Polish universities.

This year's ranking includes a total of about 5,000 universities from all over the world. Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ranked best. Of the Polish universities, University of Warsaw (discipline – physics) ranked highest – between 50th and 75th in the world, while Jagiellonian University was ranked in the highest number of disciplines – thirteen. University of Lodz (discipline – geography) was ranked among the third hundred universities in the world (places 201.-300.). 

The evaluation of universities in the GRAS ranking is based on five indicators: the number of scientific publications, the number of articles in top journals, citations, international collaboration and prestigious awards for scientists in selected fields (including the Nobel Prizes). The GRAS 2022 ranking list takes into account a total of 54 disciplines in five fields: Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Medical Sciences, Life Sciences and Engineering. 

Edit: Promotion Centre, University of Lodz