Dr Marta Otto gave her lecture on January 28, 2021. It concerned an article of her authorship entitled "Workforce Analytics v Fundamental Rights Protection in the EU in the Age of Big Data", which was published in 2019 in the Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal.
The text outlines some of the main problems and practical challenges that implementation of algorithms in the employment area brings about.
- The discussion focused mainly on the issue of clarifying regulations at the national as well as EU levels - among others, the choice, which is more adequate to address challenges that relate to profiling in employment. The meeting resulted in a number of new ideas for development of the subject discussed in the article, confirmation of willingness to cooperate on both sides as well as invitation to Oxford in, hopefully, not remote post-pandemic future - summarizes dr Marta Otto.
In February, dr Izabela Florczak will visit Oxford University virtually.
- Sending me an invitation to the meeting was caused by the interest in a chapter that I have prepared together with dr hab. Marcin Wujczyk from the Jagiellonian University. The chapter concerns a right to lie as a measure to protect employee privacy. It was published in 2020 in a book entitled Performance Appraisal in Modern Employment Relations - An Interdisciplinary Approach. As I presume, the discussion directions during the meeting will most probably concern, among others, possibility to verify employee truthfulness using artificial intelligence tools. This is going to be a fascinating meeting!
Professor Jeremias Adams-Prassl - the manager of a project funded as part of European Research Council, pertaining to the increasing role of algorithms in the labour world, is an initiator of the meetings with authors.
Congratulations for our experts on such a distinction!
Both dr Izabela Florczak as well as dr Marta Otto are members of the first AI research team at the University of Lodz. It was appointed by the Rector of UL, prof. E. Żądzińska and has been operating since January this year. Its objective is to carry out research on the impact of AI and other modern technologies development on the labour market, labour law and social security.
Dr hab., prof. of UL Krzysztof Stefański from the Department of Labour Law, UL is a coordinator of the team. The team also includes: from the Department of Law Policy - dr hab., prof. of UL Sylwia Wojtczak as well as from the Department of Labour Law - dr Izabela Florczak, dr Marta Otto and dr Ewa Staszewska.
Edit: Promotion Centre, UL