Eksperci UŁ na EFG Łódzkie 2021

Centre Mixer of Smart Technologies of the Faculty of Management, UL had its own expert panel at the 14th European Economic Forum – Lodzkie 2021. The role of a leader in the digital world was discussed there, among others, by dr Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska (Head of the Center) and the Dean of the Faculty of Management, dr hab. Tomasz Czapla (prof. UL). Business practitioners appeared next to them.

Human being is still the most important 

Digital transformation is undoubtedly one of the most significant factors that change the face of contemporary business. However, as the market practice shows it does not limit itself only to investments in infrastructure or new technological solutions. Technology although increasingly inspiring, plays a secondary role. A human being is much more important in this process. Digital transformation is an investment in people, requiring from them a range of new skills and competencies.

A leader has a significant impact on its dynamics. It is the leader that is at the same time a perfect manager taking care of the implementation of the assumed KPIs, but also a source of inspiring visions, an architect of implemented changes and an artist looking for new tools to build market advantage. Unfortunately, according to the report "Trends and plans for 2021-2023 - a report from a survey of Polish enterprises", SPOC and ICAN Institute in 2020, it is the lack of leaders that is the key barrier determining the dynamics and course of digital transformation processes. 

A leader in digital – a craftsman, visionary or an artist?

The answer to this question was looked for – as part of the 14th European Economic Forum Lodzkie 2021 - by dr Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska, Head of the Centre Mixer of Smart Technologies of the Faculty of Management, UL together with experts invited by her: Agnieszka Belowska-Gosławska, Head of Robotics, Nordea Bank ABP, Kinga Chelińska-Barańska, Country Manager, Digital Workforce, dr hab. Tomasz Czapla, prof. UL, the Dean of the Faculty of Management, University of Lodz, Grzegorze Trzciński, Technology Business Development & Site Manager Lodz, Atos Poland Global Services Sp. z o.o.

During the panel it was pointed out that digital technologies have become an integrated space for processing contextual data and deepening cognitive skills, influencing the level of intelligence of modern business. A vision of leadership for the coming years was looked for, while identifying the key characteristics of a Leader 4.0. The factors determining their role in the process of building digital maturity of market players were pointed out, including cultural differences and legal regulations. 

It was discussed how to link science with business, by educating leaders of the future, in such a way so that they can not only skillfully adapt to changes, but above all actively create them. It was also pointed out that not only business has its expectations towards leaders, but also leaders expect quite a lot from business. Finally, it was emphasized that the future level of business intelligence will be a result of digital evolution of the leaders themselves. This, in turn, requires them to constantly search for their own way in the era of evolving dataism. 

Source: Dr Dominika Kaczorowska-Spychalska 
Edit: Promotion Centre, UL