1. How do I check my new UL student/doctoral student login?
• visit the website: https://logowanie.uni.lodz.pl/login?locale=en
• under the ID field, click on the link: remind me my ID
• in the private e-mail address field write your private e-mail address (the one you had provided during recruitment and registered in USOS), tick the box I’m not a robot and click: Submit
An e-mail containing information about your new login will be sent to your private e-mail address. If you haven’t received it please check your Spam and Trash folders. Your new student login will be in @edu.uni.lodz.pl domain.
2. How do I set a password for a student/doctoral student login?
• visit the website: https://logowanie.uni.lodz.pl/login?locale=en
• under the field Password click on the link: Forgot password?
• in the Identifier field enter the new student login, e.g., ULxxxxxxx@edu.uni.lodz.pl, tick the box I’m not a robot and click: Submit
A message with the link to change your password will be sent to your private e-mail address.
NOTICE: The password must meet security requirements (at least 8 characters, upper and lower case letters, a digit; the password cannot contain special characters, proper names such as first name or surname, PESEL number; the new password cannot be associated with the previous ones)
3. Error message: The email you entered is not linked to your edu.uni.lodz.pl account.
Check if you have entered your private e-mail address correctly. The message may also mean that your USOS account is linked to a different private e-mail address or that there is no email at all.
What do I need to do?:
If you are a student of the first year, contact the Dean’s Office of your Faculty as soon as you can. There they will check and update your e-mail address.
4. Error message: The entered Active Directory domain is incorrect
Check if you have correctly written your login in the @edu.uni.lodz.pl domain.
The login consists of the letters ‘UL’ and seven digits, which are contained in your USOS ID (e.g.,: UL0234654). What is USOS ID? This is your individual identifier, which you receive when you are admitted for the studies for the first time.
5. You can only change the password to your account via the website: https://logowanie.uni.lodz.pl/login?locale=en
Remember that in order to log into all the systems of the University of Lodz you use the same login and password. If you want to change the password to your account, you can do it only via the website: logowanie.uni.lodz.pl/login;
• Click Change password if you remember the previous password and want to change it for a new one. Fill in the fields in accordance with the description.
• Click Forgot password? If you don’t remember the previous password and you want to set up a new one. Fill in the fields in accordance with the description.
Never change your password to the UL e-mail via the MS Office website.
6. Error message: The provided authentication data cannot be considered valid
Check if you correctly written your account login and password. Remember that you login is created according to the format: ULxxxxxxx@edu.uni.lodz.pl
If the error message still pops up even though correct data has been entered, clear the browser history. The system may remember the previous authentication.
Such a message also pops up if your password does not meet security requirements. Change your password one more time.
Remember that the password must meet security requirements (at least 8 characters, upper and lower case letters, a digit; the password cannot contain special characters, proper names such as first name or surname, PESEL number; the new password cannot be associated with the previous ones).
7. No message with the login reminder or/and link to change the password is in my private e-mail box.
Check Spam and Trash folders in your private e-mail box.
• Cannot see the message with login reminder? Check if you have correctly provided your private e-mail address. Visit the website: logowanie.uni.lodz.pl/login and click Remind me my ID link
• Cannot see the message with the link to change your password? Check if you correctly entered your new UL student/doctoral student login. Visit the website: logowanie.uni.lodz.pl/login and click the link: Forgot password?
If the data you have entered is correct and despite that you still do not receive the message, it may mean that your USOS account has a different private e-mail address attached to it, or no email address at all.
What to do?
If you are a student of the first year, contact as soon as you can the Dean’s office of your Faculty, which will check and update your e-mail address.
8. I would like to change the surname visible on my account
Would you like to change your surname or you have noticed an error in it? Contact the Dean’s Office of your Faculty in order to update your data. Then, make sure that the surname is written correctly.
9. I have a new login and password but I cannot log into MS Office (Outlook, Teams)
Remember that you have one and the same login and password to all the UL systems, including Office 365 mailbox. Check if you can log into USOSweb using the login and password. If so, this means your data is correct.
MS Office remembers your previous logins and passwords. Therefore, before logging by using your new data it is recommended that you manually log out from all the MS Office applications (including Outlook, Teams), as well as that you clear the browser history and temporary files.
10. I have logged in but I cannot take part in online classes in Teams.
Check if in your UL e-mail box there is an invitation from the lecturer. The e-mail address should be created according to the following format: ULxxxxxxx@edu.uni.lodz.pl.
Check if you have been given access to the classes team in MS Teams. If not, urgently make clear with the Dean’s Office of your Faculty if you have been added to a relevant programme. Then ask the person who is conducting the classes if they have sent you an invitation to online classes and if you are included in their class group.
11. Students of the non-degree postgraduate studies
Are you a student of non-degree postgraduate studies? If you still haven’t received an account in the @edu.uni.lodz.pl domain, contact the secretary’s office of your studies.
12. Closing down of old accounts – @unilodz.eu – they will be active only until 31.12.2021
If you are a student of subsequent years or a doctoral student and you already have an account in the old domain: @unilodz.eu, we would like to remind you that it will be active only until the end of the year, i.e., until 31.12.2021. If you have some important messages on this account remember to move them to your new account in the @edu.uni.lodz.pl domain
13. Employees
Login of the UL employees consists of the first name and surname (separated with a full stop), after @ there is an extension which depends on the Faculty. For example:
• Faculty of Management: anna.nowak@wz.uni.lodz.pl
• Faculty of Philology: anna.nowak@filologia.uni.lodz.pl
• Central Administration: anna.nowak@adm.uni.lodz.pl