The principal investigator of the Polish team of the project entitled New challenges for occupational safety and health in times of the digital transformation in Europe: the role of digital labour platforms is dr hab. Dorota Merecz-Kot, prof. UL, from the Faculty of Education Sciences, University of Lodz. The project will be implemented with the participation of partners from Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Great Britain, Finland and Spain.
We are pleased with the project funding. It will be one of the few studies looking at the occupational health and safety of people doing work by the use of the so-called digital platforms. This is the so-called gig economy sector, which is created by people who choose to work from job to job. Fixly is an example of such a platform. The number of "GiGers", i.e., specialists providing periodical services to companies, is constantly growing, but so far, we know little or nothing about the working conditions of these people, the level of job security and the health effects of such work. Our project objective is to provide the first European analysis of their situation in terms of psychosocial and occupational safety and health risks. We will also elaborate recommendations for legislation, which could support the development of a healthy and safe working environment for European "GiGers".
- says prof. Dorota Merecz-Kot.
Dr hab. Dorota Golańska, prof. UL from the Faculty of Philology, University of Lodz is the principal investigator of the second winning project entitled Smart(ening up the modern) home: Redesigning power dynamics through domestic space digitalization. The project will be implemented with the participation of partners from the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany and Great Britain.
The SMARTUP project will investigate how the space of the home has been transformed by increasing digitalization and what consequences this process results in. The project brings together researchers representing disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, design studies, cultural studies and (post)humanities studies. Thanks to using a transdisciplinary approach the project will create a unique understanding of the transformations caused by the spread of digital technologies in contemporary homes. This, in turn, will help broaden the theoretical thinking pertaining to the scientific understanding of the concept of "home" or "domestic space".
- explains prof. Dorota Golańska.
The project will be implemented in cooperation with the Czech Academy of Sciences (Sociologický ústav AV ČR), Aalto University (Department of Future Technologies), Paderborn University (Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften, Fach Soziologie) and Cardiff University (Welsh School of Architecture).
The results of the competition have been published on the website of the National Science Centre and the CHANSE programme.
Source: NCN; dr hab. Dorota Golańska, prof. UL; dr hab. Dorota Merecz-Kot, prof. UL
Edit: Promotion Centre of the University of Lodz