Nauki przyrodnicze UŁ wysoko w rankingu Round University by subject

The University of Lodz has significantly raised its position in the Round University Ranking (RUR) in the field of Natural sciences. In the latest ranking, we take the 2nd place among Polish research units in the internationalisation category.

Compared to the previous year, the Natural sciences at the University of Lodz have worked their way up by 70 positions (from 609 to 539). The criteria of financial stability (up from 624 to 523) and the quality of education (up from 618 to 527) did particularly well. 

The position of the University of Lodz in the field of Natural sciences in RUR

The second position in Poland in the internationalisation category is also a reason to be pleased. Last year, the University of Lodz was the fourth most internationalised Polish university in the field of Natural sciences. This criterion consists of such indicators as: employment of international researchers at the university, the presence of international students, co-authorship of articles in world magazines and the international rank of the university.     

“The leading position of Lodz Natural sciences in Poland in the internationalisation category is a result of work of the employees of the University of Lodz that represent this field. The Faculty authorities strive to employ the best international employees, Polish scientists are equal partners for international researchers, the prestige of the University increases and as a result we have more and more better students, also from European and world universities."

prof. Łukasz Bogucki, UL Vice-Rector for international relations. 

Round University Ranking (RUR) is an international university comparative system that measures performance of 1,100 leading universities from 82 countries around the world by the use of 20 unique indicators and 4 key areas of activity: education, research, international diversity and financial stability. The ranking is designed as an evaluation system that is to provide sufficient information on the performance of universities to meet various needs of stakeholders: students, academic community, university authorities and partners. All RUR baseline data is provided by the international company Thomson Reuters.  

More about University of Lodz going higher up in the entire RUR ranking

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Source: RUR, iHUB UL 

Edit: Promotion Centre, UL