Wielki finał II edycji Ideathonu UniLodz za nami

On 23 May 2024 interdisciplinary teams of students and doctoral students from universities in Lodz met to work under the supervision of mentors on the social and environmental challenges reported by partners.

Climate neutrality, artificial intelligence, process automation as the main challenge areas

The diversity of topics challenging today's world and social coexistence allowed the teams to apply a wide range of approaches and interpretations, and provided them with the opportunity to creatively attempt solutions and innovative concepts. The themes addressed by the interdisciplinary teams include the quest for climate neutrality or adaptation to changes related to automation and artificial intelligence. The creation of unique solutions is a response to the challenges of sustainability and digital transformation.

The event participants during the final of Ideathon

Competition, competence and a look into the future

The UniLodz Ideathon is a festival of creativity, competition, but also an opportunity to gain unique competences, network and establish valuable contacts with potential employers. Joining forces, using the synergy effect and benefiting from the experience of mentors are the best ways not only to develop creative solutions needed by the world, but also to demonstrate an active attitude in striving to create a better future. Thanks to the commitment of the event partners and the intensive work of all teams, all these assumptions were met.

The strategic partners of this year's edition of the event were: ABB, Nordea, Veolia and Wella Company, and the City of Lodz Office  was a supporting partner.

The event participants during the final of Ideathon

The event participants during the final of Ideathon

The event participants during the final of Ideathon

The event participants during the final of Ideathon

The event participants during the final of Ideathon

Source: Career Office, University of Lodz