Lodz University Press joins the series of activities organised by the University of Lodz to help refugees coming to Poland.
On WWW.WYDAWNICTWO.UNI.LODZ.PL website, until further notice, the UKR discount coupon will be active. The coupon allows you to download ebooks of publications that will help you learn Polish free of charge.
Textbooks can be found here (available in Polish):
- https://wydawnictwo.uni.lodz.pl/produkt/dwa-tygodnie-z-polskim/
- https://wydawnictwo.uni.lodz.pl/produkt/polsko-ukrainski-slownik-frazeologiczny/
- https://wydawnictwo.uni.lodz.pl/produkt/znajdz-z-polskim-wspolny-jezyk/
For the coupon to work, just select a given product in a digital form (E-BOOK), add it to your cart and in the shopping cart under the list with your order enter UKR.
Text: Lodz University Press