Konkurs o Nagrodę im. prof. Ryszarda Więckowskiego rozstrzygnięty

We already know the results of the Professor Ryszard Więckowski Award competition, organised by the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Lodz. The award is granted to researchers who, through their scientific activities, contribute to the development of interdisciplinary discussions around early childhood education pedagogy.

The Award Jury, at its meeting on 8 January 2024, decided that in the second edition of the competition the Professor Ryszard Więckowski Award should go to Agnieszka Janik for her work entitled "Podwórkowe przestrzenie i miejsca zabaw. Studium pedagogiczno-kulturowe" [Backyard spaces and play areas. Pedagogical and cultural study], Institute of Pedagogy of the University of Wrocław, Wrocław 2021.

The jury also awarded two equivalent distinctions. They were awarded to:

Natalia Jach-Salamon and Barbara Gawda for their work entitled. "Struktura pojęć afektywnych u dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym i wczesnoszkolnym" [The structure of affective concepts in preschool and early school children], Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Press, Lublin 2022.

Ewa Wiśniewska for her work entitled. "Efektywność treningu kreatywności dzieci i młodzieży" [Effectiveness of creativity training for children and adolescents], Maria Grzegorzewska University Press, Warsaw 2021.

We would like to offer congratulations to all the ladies on their impressive research projects and wish them further scientific success.