The state awards ceremony was held on 30 May 2022. On behalf of the President of the Republic of Poland, the decorations were presented by the Chief of the Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Poland – Paweł Szrot.
Prof. Maria Bryszewska is a representative of Poland in the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) programme. It is an organisation that initiates and finances prestigious research networks in all scientific and technical fields. Prof. Maria Bryszewska holds the position of a member of the Scientific Council of the programme for a three-year term for years 2021-2024.
Research interests of prof. Maria Bryszewska include biomedical properties of nanoparticles – dendrimers, gold and silver nanoparticles – and the possibility of their use as drug and gene carriers in targeted therapy, i.e. in the area of nanosciences, which are one of the national priorities. Conducting modern scientific research in cooperation with leading nanoparticle research centres in Poland and abroad is possible thanks to the obtained grants, for which prof. Maria Bryszewska and her team apply intensively. Apart from expanding knowledge, they also have the implementation value, as evidenced by patent applications and granted patents.
Source: prof. Maria Bryszewska, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz
Edit: Promotion Centre of the University of Lodz