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  • Dr hab. Łukasz Arendt, prof. UŁ, kierownikiem w Projekcie SkillsPULSE w ramach programu Horyzont Europa

Dr hab. Łukasz Arendt, prof. UŁ, kierownikiem w Projekcie SkillsPULSE w ramach programu Horyzont Europa

Today, it is common to believe that skills shortages and gaps are just temporary issues that will resolve over time without intervention. But the evidence suggests otherwise. These challenges, where employers struggle to find qualified candidates and existing employees lack necessary skills, persistently hinder individual careers, business performance, and the overall economy.

The SkillsPULSE project has been created in response to the need to define and analyse skills shortages in the European labour market.

Objective of the project

The objective of the SkillsPULSE project is to identify and examine skills shortages and gaps across jobs, sectors and regions. The project is to mitigate the negative impact of these deficiencies and increase the productivity of enterprises.  

SkillsPULSE is a 3-year Horizon Europe project implemented from June 2024 to June 2027), whose leader and the main coordinator is Fondazione Giacomo Brodolin, Italy. The project involves partners from 7 European countries: Estonia, Poland, Ireland, Greece, Italy, Finland and the United Kingdom. Dr hab. Łukasz Arendt, Associate Professor at the University of Lodz from the Department of Economic Policy at the University of Lodz is the project manager on behalf of the Polish partner.

As part of the SkillsPULSE project:

  • comprehensive analyses of skills gaps will be conducted to identify their causes and consequences,
  • a methodology for identifying the extent, causes, and implications of skills deficiencies in Europe will be developed and it will be incorporated into a software tool,
  • the potential of Big Data will be used to create a model that will forecast future skills needs,
  • the project will collect data on employers’ experiences of skills gaps to identify key strategies they use to mitigate their effects.

SkillsPULSE will contribute to the European Skills Agenda by strengthening skills intelligence in a way that will facilitate strategic upskilling and provide the evidence base for the development of new training opportunities for young people in emerging STEM areas. It is to provide a toolkit for the development of policy initiatives in the areas of education and skills, that can help drive growth in European innovation and competitiveness.

The SkillsPULSE project is an important step towards addressing the skills shortages in the European labour market. The joint action and cooperation within the project will allow for the development of comprehensive solutions that will bring benefits to both employees and businesses.


Source: Faculty of economics and Sociology, University of Lodz; SkillsPulse